Total number of Jan 2007 entries in a list of date formatted field



I have a report that captures work done by sales reps. For each entry there
exists a date. This report is exported in Excel format and the date is
captured as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm. I would like to have a column that lists the
number of work entries by Jan 2007, Feb 2007, Mar 2007, etc.

I am at a loss as to how I can conditionally count the occurrence based on
the month and the year in this date field.

Thanks in advance.

Peo Sjoblom


where B2:B200 holds the dates

you can expand on that if you want to count for an individual


where it would count Joe's Jan 2007 sales


Thanks. That is EXACTLY what I needed.

Peo Sjoblom said:

where B2:B200 holds the dates

you can expand on that if you want to count for an individual


where it would count Joe's Jan 2007 sales

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