Today's Microsoft Update killed indexing on Windows Explorer???



Hi All,

I'm running WinXP-Pro/SP2 with automatic Microsoft Update.

This morning, Update tried to install a new update about searching for
certain malicious code. I can't remember the name exactly, but it had
something like Malicious Code Removal in the title of the install. I
got that info from Prevx1, my security software, which blocked the

I Googled the exe's name and found a link to Microsoft's site, which
identified that exe as something it had released yesterday.
Consequently, I unblocked its installation.

After rebooting, I tried to search for files in a particular directory
that contained a particular string. That's a I process I've done a
thousand times, at least. Today Windows Explorer claimed it couldn't
conduct the search because "The Indexing Service query cannot be
completed successfully because the volumes you have specified are not

Searches for content have been working on the subject volume and all
others on my hard drives for at least a year. All of a sudden it
doesn't work. I checked another partition: got the same symptom.

Any ideas? Should I try to uninstall this new update (assuming I can
figure out how to, exactly).

Thanks in Advance,


Hi All,

I've gotten confirmation that only the logical drives F: (the system
drive) and C: are cataloged, according to Computer
Management/.../Indexing Service/System/Directories.

Why other logical drives, particularly K:, are no longer cataloged is
the mystery. I'm going to truck on and see if I can figure out how to
catalog the rest of the logical drives. I'll post back if I'm

In the meantime, a little advice would be most appreciated.



Hi All,

I found that logical drive K: is indeed set to receive Indexing
Service, according to:

Computer Management | Services | Disk Management | Volume (tab) | K:
(entry; right click) | Properties | "Allow Indexing Service ..."

I'm going to reboot to see whether this solves my problem.



Hi All,

After rebooting, I got one search for content working with a folder on
the K: drive as the target.

But when I modified the search for slightly different content and
re-executed the search, I again got the "The Indexing Service query
cannot ...".

That's pretty weird. Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance,

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