To Alias a question about another posting.


Dimple Wathen

Horsepucky. My EULA says "hardware" and does not define what constitutes
hardware. I changed a motherboard the other day with no problems. You should
research before you post blatant misinformation designed to get people to
buy another XP they don't need.

Perhaps, and this is why I tried to get the MVP to provide some sort of
"evidence" rather than just "trust me", it is that Microsoft really
just wants to "prevent piracy" and is thinking that the best way to
tell if Johnny is installing his Dell's XP CD on a new box he just
built, is for Microsoft to go: "New Motherboard detected! WHOO WHOO
WHOO ALERT DANGER Piracy! Piracy!"

When the MVP says "OEM, OEM, OEM" is means Dell, Gateway, Compaq etc.
You know, those disks that get marked, "For a new computer only! Not to
be resold!" Those that one sees at computer fleamarkets all over the

That you changed an MB without problem means that there is no way for
XP to detect the change and prevent itself from being installed. I
wanted to see the EULA because I wonder is MS has this kind of thing in
XP or if it simply says "don't do this" inthe EULA. Perhaps the MVP is
just parroting what "he was told" (or has read).

But from a technical sense, to detect that an OS is being installed on
"another computer" the OS would have to look at something in the MB.
But, there really is a legitimate reason to replace a motherboard or to
even to throw away the entire computer and install its OS on a new
computer. For software, the license is "I have a right to use that
software on one computer." No license, that I am aware of, says that
the use is limited only to the original computer. If MS gets away with
that then they really deserve their reputation as evil.

Don Burnette

Show me where it states that.

Surely, you don't expect folks to just take your word on it.

I do not have an oem version, however if I did, and I just simply upgraded
my motherboard, which I do about yearly, I would continue to use it. I would
be my own system builder, and using an " original equipment manufacturer"
version, I would determine when it was no longer the same computer that I
purchased the oem version for.

MS is very gray in this area. If they truly wanted to stick with an oem
copy only, then they would only sell them to true volume system builders ,
such as Dell, Gateway, to supply with their systems. You would only get an
oem copy included with a purchased system. You would not be able to
purchase it seperately, or with a mouse , power suppy, power cord, whatever.
They would not sell them to places like Wal-Mart,etc, to sell stand alone
with whatever hardware device they want to sell it with, if any.

I don't see MS crying that all the oem versions Wal-mart or whomever sells
are being used more than they should, so why should you?

XP Pro64 is only available as oem version. However, you can purchase it from
many popular computer shops, by itself, or with a small piece of hardware.
Now, do you really believe, MS expects all users of XP Pro 64, upon
upgrading motherboards, to have to go out and purchase another copy while
they have a perfectly good, legit copy already? Don't think so, ain't gonna
happen. If that were the case, don't you think MS would be offering retail

Anyone that purchases an additional copy of XP, when they have a perfectly
good paid for oem version already, simply because they upgraded the
motherboard, is throwing their money away imho.

Don Burnette


If you install a new motherboard that is is not the same as the original, and
you are using an OEM version of Windows XP, then this is considered a "new
computer" and the OEM license is no longer considerd valid.

Unless the new motherboard is replacing a defective motherboard - and
the new one does not have to be a matching replacement. The OEM system
builders site specifically tells us this.


Perhaps, and this is why I tried to get the MVP to provide some sort of
"evidence" rather than just "trust me", it is that Microsoft really
just wants to "prevent piracy" and is thinking that the best way to
tell if Johnny is installing his Dell's XP CD on a new box he just
built, is for Microsoft to go: "New Motherboard detected! WHOO WHOO
WHOO ALERT DANGER Piracy! Piracy!"

There is a MS OEM system builders site, it's there for the reading if
you want, that explains that "Microsoft" considers the Motherboard as
the "Computer" and that changing a motherboard, except to replace a
detective one, is considered as invalidating your OEM license.

What people tell you about OEM not being able to move to another system,
or being invalid on a new board, is a representation of the OEM System
builders information that all OEM's are aware of.

You can follow what ever path you choose.


Leythos said:
Unless the new motherboard is replacing a defective motherboard - and
the new one does not have to be a matching replacement. The OEM system
builders site specifically tells us this.

Notice you don't give the URL because it would show any RATIONAL human
being that it is password protected.

NO End User agrees to follow what it says on that page, or even knows of
that pages existense through the EULA, so there isn't a court in the
land that would consider what it says on that page as part of ANY

Like Carey, you are totally full of MicroSh*t!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
There is a MS OEM system builders site, it's there for the reading if
you want, that explains that "Microsoft" considers the Motherboard as
the "Computer" and that changing a motherboard, except to replace a
detective one, is considered as invalidating your OEM license.

What people tell you about OEM not being able to move to another
system, or being invalid on a new board, is a representation of the
OEM System builders information that all OEM's are aware of.

You can follow what ever path you choose.

LOL! You can choose to conform to MS's password protected site that you
NEVER agreed to follow, or you can choose to have you own definition
what computer components you can upgrade, since MS NEVER EVER defines at
what point upgrading YOUR computer becomes a totally different computer.

So yes people can choose! Thinking for themselves, or sucking MicroAss!
We all know your choice is sucking MicroAss! ;-)

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Notice you don't give the URL because it would show any RATIONAL human
being that it is password protected.

I also didn't say that the user had to follow the ideals that MS
presents. I was very careful to not do that this time.

[snip drivel]
Like Carey, you are totally full of MicroSh*t!

No, unlike Carey, I specifically stated:
There is a MS OEM system builders site, it's there for the reading if
you want, that explains that "Microsoft" considers the Motherboard as
the "Computer" and that changing a motherboard, except to replace a
detective one, is considered as invalidating your OEM license.

At no point did I advocate anything - only explained why people state
what they do about OEM.

Was it too early for you to understand that?


LOL! You can choose to conform to MS's password protected site that you
NEVER agreed to follow, or you can choose to have you own definition
what computer components you can upgrade, since MS NEVER EVER defines at
what point upgrading YOUR computer becomes a totally different computer.

So yes people can choose! Thinking for themselves, or sucking MicroAss!
We all know your choice is sucking MicroAss! ;-)

Which is exactly what I said - you can do what you want, and following
either path does not make them an Ass of any type as it's their choice
and not yours to force on them.


Leythos said:
Which is exactly what I said - you can do what you want, and following
either path does not make them an Ass of any type as it's their choice
and not yours to force on them.

LOL! Again the choice is following password-protected words that are
NEVER agree to in any legal binding way or following one's own
interpretation of what point upgrading YOUR computer becomes a totally
different computer.

The former is the choice of the sycophantic conformist, and the latter
is the choice of a rational human being that has a mind of his or her

And we all know that you are a comformist, not a rational human being.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
I also didn't say that the user had to follow the ideals that MS
presents. I was very careful to not do that this time.

Why bring it up at all, since you should know by now that no END USER
ever agrees to follow the words of a password-protected website.

What do End Users agree to abide by? The EULA, or the
password-protected words?
[snip drivel]
Like Carey, you are totally full of MicroSh*t!

No, unlike Carey, I specifically stated:
There is a MS OEM system builders site, it's there for the reading if
you want, that explains that "Microsoft" considers the Motherboard as
the "Computer" and that changing a motherboard, except to replace a
detective one, is considered as invalidating your OEM license.

Which doesn't belong in a thread in answer to a END USER, not a SYSTEM
At no point did I advocate anything - only explained why people state
what they do about OEM.

Because they are twisted individuals. You try to confuse people. And
you still are hiding the password-protected site.

Are you afraid to show the URL so people can see for themselves?
Was it too early for you to understand that?

LOL! I understand you, Lameboy. You are trying to mislead people.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


LOL! Again the choice is following password-protected words that are
NEVER agree to in any legal binding way or following one's own
interpretation of what point upgrading YOUR computer becomes a totally
different computer.

Kurt, sometimes you are so blinded by your dislike of things that you
can't read.

The information was presented for anyone to view IF THEY WANT. Nothing
was said that would force anyone to do anything or follow anything.

Are you advocating that people should not have a choice to learn? Are
you advocating that people should not be free to determine how much they
want to know?

Stop your ranting - I never suggested anything to force anything on
anyone - I only presented that a reason people say OEM is a one machine
install is based on the OEM information that MS presents to System
Builders and OEM.


You try to confuse people. And
you still are hiding the password-protected site.

Lets see - you make it sound like you can't get into it without some
special permission from MS and they hide it from everyone.

The simple fact is that the site allows ANYONE to register and view the
information IF THEY WANT TO VIEW IT.

The information EXPLAINS WHY people say that you can't move OEM
installations between computers.

The information was relative to the thread because IT EXPLAINS WHY

Again, it's relative and provides understanding to issues raised in this
thread - the information I posted is not binding on anyone.

What reason do you have for wanting to hide the information from anyone
that wants to read it?


Leythos said:
Kurt, sometimes you are so blinded by your dislike of things that you
can't read.

Dislike of things? LOL! You are bringing up totally irrelevant SYSTEM
BUILDER BS into this END USER query.

I am just showing that, and you don't like it.
The information was presented for anyone to view IF THEY WANT. Nothing
was said that would force anyone to do anything or follow anything.

Most people don't want irrelevant info in answer to their questions.
Are you advocating that people should not have a choice to learn? Are
you advocating that people should not be free to determine how much
they want to know?

I am just showing that your SYSTEM BUILDER password protected info, is
totally irrelevant to them as an END USER!
Stop your ranting -

LOL! What's the matter, Lameboy? Don't like it when it is pointed out
that you are full of sh*t?
I never suggested anything to force anything on
anyone -

Did I say that? Please quote my words! But you can't. Again, you are
just trying to confuse and divert.

SYSTEM BUILDER password-protected BS has absolutely no relevancy to END
USERS! If you want to give you SYSTEM BUILDER info out, take it to the
System Builder Licensing group!
I only presented that a reason people say OEM is a one
machine install is based on the OEM information that MS presents to
System Builders and OEM.

An End User asks a question, and you inject System Builder password
protected info that is totally irrelevant to the End User.

It's that plain and simple. You are just trying to confuse this END
USER issue with SYSTEM BUILDER password-protected BS!

So shove your irrelevant SYSTEM BUILDER BS up your ass and smoke it.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
Lets see - you make it sound like you can't get into it without some
special permission from MS and they hide it from everyone.

It is password-protected, and part of the SYSTEM BUILDER site, that is
totally irrelevant to END USERS!
The simple fact is that the site allows ANYONE to register and view
the information IF THEY WANT TO VIEW IT.

LOL! Registration is optional for Windows XP as an END USER. MS wants
SYSTEM BUILDERS to register before viewing SYSTEM BUILDER BS!
The information EXPLAINS WHY people say that you can't move OEM
installations between computers.

People as in END USERS, or people as in SYSTEM BUILDERS?!
The information was relative to the thread because IT EXPLAINS WHY

LOL! Notice you still are trying to confuse!

Again, people as in END USERS, or people as in SYSTEM BUILDERS?!
Again, it's relative and provides understanding to issues raised in
this thread - the information I posted is not binding on anyone.

Not if they aren't SYSTEM BUILDERS. And this is a End Users group.
There is a System Builders group, so why don't you go there.
What reason do you have for wanting to hide the information from
anyone that wants to read it?

LOL! I'm not hiding anything. YOU ARE. You mention a SYSTEM BUILDERS
page, that is password-protected, yet you still have not given the URL!


Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


I am just showing that your SYSTEM BUILDER password protected info, is
totally irrelevant to them as an END USER!

Lets see, you complained about Carey stating that OEM means it can only
be installed on ONE computer. You hear it time and time again, and when
I explain why people say it, you complain that I provide an explanation
as to why people like Carey say it.

Keep on focus, I only provided and explanation as to why people say one
install for OEM - I never said anything else.


LOL! I'm not hiding anything. YOU ARE. You mention a SYSTEM BUILDERS
page, that is password-protected, yet you still have not given the URL!

Since you know it's "password - protected" you must already have the URL
or at least have already viewed it.

Quit being diversionary and understand it this time - My reply was only


Leythos said:
Lets see, you complained about Carey stating that OEM means it can
only be installed on ONE computer. You hear it time and time again,
and when I explain why people say it, you complain that I provide an
explanation as to why people like Carey say it.

LOL! Quote me, Lameboy. I gave Carey sh*t about not being able to
change and/or upgrade a Motherboard with OEM XP.

LOL! All you need to say is that some idiots confuse a
password-protected SYSTEM BUILDER web page as OEM rules that applies to
END USERS. That would be the truth. Instead YOU make it seem like it
is reasonable to think that a password-protected SYSTEM BUILDER web page
has any relevance to END USERS, which it plainly does not!
Keep on focus, I only provided and explanation as to why people say
one install for OEM - I never said anything else.

LOL! And you still are haven't given the URL to the password-protected
site. What are you hiding, Lameboy. As a matter of FULL disclosure,
why not give the URL?

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos said:
Since you know it's "password - protected" you must already have the
URL or at least have already viewed it.

Actually, I haven't seen it in a while and I'm not the one that brought
it up. It seems like you got something to hide, Lameboy! Afraid to let
everyone see for themselves the URL to the info you are paraphrasing?
Quit being diversionary and understand it this time - My reply was

LOL! Paraphrase, but seem to be too afraid to give the URL.
Chickensh*t Lameboy strikes again! ;-)

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


Leythos --

I would like to compliment you on the clear and concise manner you have
posted in response to this newsgroup thread. Those that refuse to understand
will probably never understand!


Carey said:
Leythos --

I would like to compliment you on the clear and concise manner you
have posted in response to this newsgroup thread. Those that refuse
to understand will probably never understand!

The kiss of death!

I understand quite clearly. Ya'll purposely try to present
password-protected SYSTEM BUILDER web site BS, that not even SYSTEM
BUILDERS have agreed to abide by, and then you try to confuse END USERS
that it this non-binding SYSTEM BUILDERS BS pertains to END USERS.

And Lameboy won't even give out the link! He is purposefully hiding how
it is password protected.

I believe this is the page he is referencing, but since it is
password-protected, I haven't actually seen it.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

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