Time Failure since Norton Ghost 10



Hi Everybody.

My PC clock is not correct anymore after installing Norton Ghost 10 and
creating a backup on another partition.
Can this be fixed somehow?

Thanks in advance.


What do you mean by "is not correct"? Is it off a few minutes or what?
Have you tried setting the clock with Control Panel>Date and Time?



First the time was set wrong to the time the of the 1st backup I made.
Then I readjusted and after the next day the time was of by 1 hour, I
readjusted and also made another backup then I shut down the system and when
I started it the time was wrong for 1 hour again.


You know, I remember something similar a while back. A couple months ago I
did a clean install of Windows XP and had to reinstall all of my software
including Ghost 10. Over the next week or so I noticed that my clock was
off by one hour a couple times. I thought I hadn't set it right or had the
wrong time zone. I verified the time zone and after I reset it a couple
times the problem seems to have gone away.


Bill Drake

A *restore* made using the Norton Ghost 9/10 bootable
restore CD may cause the time to be off by one hour at
the end of the restore.

The above occurs because the Ghost Restore CD opens
a copy of Windows XP that does not have Daylight Saving
Time enabled. This will conflict with your original system
if your original system has Daylight Saving Time enabled.

As a result, the time will be less by one hour *for each time*
that the Ghost 9/10 Restore CD is booted.


After booting from a Ghost 9/10 Restore CD, it is important
to check the time on your machine after rebooting back into
your Hard-Disk-Based Windows installation.

This must be checked after each instance in which the
Ghost 9/10 Restore CD is booted.

If the time is incorrect, it should be reset correctly as soon
as the discrepancy is discovered.

Time Check Procedure:

1. Double-Click on the Clock Icon in the System Tray.
The "Date and Time Properties" window will open.

2. Click on the "Internet Time" tab in the "Date and Time
Properties" Window. The "Internet Time" tab will open.

3. Click the "Update Now" button in the "Internet Time" tab.
Wait for the confirmation message that confirms the
time has been updated (usually, this takes 20 to 30
seconds). At that point, you can check your clock in the
System Tray to ensure the time is now correct.

Note: Since a Ghost restore process brings your machine
back to a "snapshot" of an older time anyway, the
time-difference is immaterial at the reboot.

However, all time-scheduled-events will be displaced
at boot until the time is corrected. If this is done
immediately upon reboot, the impact on the OS will be
minimal. Even if this is overlooked and the problem is
left unresolved for some time, the total effect on the
OS will still be minimal.

However, if you live by your Outlook Scheduler - you
may want to make checking this a higher-priority
item - and include a scheduled item in your scheduler
to check the time... <g>

Best I can do for now. <tm>



Hi Dave and Bill.

I think that is the same in my case, as after a few times of readusting, the
time stays correct.
Until now at least.
Btw, I screwed up my "Bootable Recovery CD" from Ghost 10.
I have all the files to create a new one, except the "Boot Image" that is on
the original CD.
I did extract the "Boot Image" from my Windows Installation CD with ISO
Buster, but the Recovery CD now boots only half way through, then it stops
and Windows reboots normaly.
It would be realy great if one of you guys is willing to send me the "Boot
Image" from the original "Ghost 10 Recovery Boot CD", as it is only a few
bytes and can be easy send by e-mail as an ZIP or RAR archive.
Please let me know if that's possible.

Thanks to both of you for your concern.

So long.


In my case I hadn't done any restores at all. Over the first week or so
after installing Ghost 10 the time changed to one hour off. It happened a
couple times and then stopped. All has been well since then.


Lynn - HP

My case is a little different but seems to be inline with Norton as the
suspected issue. I've been having a little problem getting Norton
internet Securit and Virus 2006 running correctly on my system without
errors. Install, uninstall, etc. After my latest couple of times
rebooting, I notice my clock is now a year ahead and a few days and
hours behind the actual time. I'm also having some intermittant
firewall issues that my ISP provides is assuring me, and I believe is
an issue with my PC. That's the bigger issue for me, but I'm surprised
to see how far off my clock now is.

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