The web server at " " does not appear to have frontpage server ex



I am getting the above error message in fp2002. I have installed frontpage
server extentions and frontpage client has been working for 3-4 years. I've
gone back and reinstalled and get the same message. Occasionally a message
(Docoment in this folder are not available....) is displayed in frontpage.

The site is up and everything appears to be working - just cannot access
site in fp2002 to make changes.

Any ideas would be wonderful - Thank you,

MD Websunlimited


Can you open the web on the server? What happens when you do a Tools | Recalc Hyperlinks?

Have you tried Steve Easton's utility to clean up FP?


Thank you, Mike.

The server is a unix server hosted by a hosting company. I'm not able to
open the site to Recalc Hyperlinks.

Should I use Steve Easton's utility to clean up FP?

I have 2 computers with fp2002 on them. Both pc's have issues with this
site. I can open other sites on these computers (fp2002 appears to be
working except on this one site).

If I uninstall frontpage extentions on the server and then reinstall
frontpage extensions, will I loose anything in the website?

Thank you, Jan


Hi Mike,

Just ran Steve Easton's utility to clean up FP and now I'm getting the
following error message: "Documents in this folder are not available".

Any ideas? Jan

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