The curse of the Expat, and MM2.1



Oh Microsoft... why do you hate me so?
I live and work in Japan... so of course have the Japanese Windows XP....
but alas I don't read Japanese. My one saving grace has been that I am able
to download English versions of 90% of the applications I use.
I loved MM2. I downloaded the English version, and was instantly hooked. I
started making a movie for my wedding which is 3 and 1/2 weeks away. I was
sooOOoo close to being finished.
Then comes SP2. It AUTOMATICALLY installed the Japanese version of MM2.1
and WMP on my computer. Fortunately I was able to retrieve an English
version of WMP, but MM2.1 is only in the SP2 bundle of woe. Toast...
unbelievable... and most definitely ouch. Now my slide show/wedding intro
video is locked behind a wall of Japanese that will take exactly 7.5 years to
Why Microsoft? Why? It is the International age... the world is our
oyster. Don't hold out or bundle your applications to induce/blackmail
people into getting SP2. Let it be free, so the world will be a more open
and place and I can finish my slide show!!!!! Gah!!!!!! Frustration, and the
inevitable bonk of the head on desk.


I thought about it seriously. The only way would be to uninstall the
Japanese SP2. Something that seems like it could be dangerous to do. If it
was a simple uninstall I would give it a shot, but as it is... MM2.1 in
English is not worth my entire system going down the tubes.
But I found a lame workaround to get my wedding show finished. I just
search the internet for images of MM2 in English. The tool bars/task bars
locations correspond exactly. So I locate the item I need in the English
image, and then look for it on the program. Lame? yes. Time consuming?
better than trying to tranlate Japanese. But I'm close to finishing.

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