Thank-You & one last question



Thank-you to everyone who's helped me out in the last few
days. Been struggling to get Frontpage Extensions to work
at the ISP. the question - I have one last page to fix.
It needs a "Search" button to search the site for keywords
that are typed into a text box. I have the form created,
the Text box, the Submit and Clear buttons created. Now
how do I get the thing to actually search across the site?
I figure there's code somewhere, or quick-trick. Anyone
have an Ace up their sleeve?
Frontpage 2003


Thomas A. Rowe

You would use the FP Search Component, Insert | Web Component | Web Search.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thank-you! That worked, I tried that, but it wouldn't
allow for it. I was trying to put inside a form, if I
placed it outside a form, it works.
So - I got rid of the form, and made the search. Works
like a charm.

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