Temporary Stats Suspension


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks to the GDPR, restrictions have been put into place regarding posting WCG stats data. Until I sign a GRPR agreement with WCG, we're unable to obtain a "token" to access the data. Unfortunately, the wording of the agreement document hasn't been finalised, so I need to wait to hear from WCG before I can do anything.

Until further notice, it looks like we won't have the daily stats posted :(.

Hopefully it will only take a week or so before the wording is finished and I'm able to access the data again. I'm sure a lot of other sites also want the data and will be applying pressure.

I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear anything else :).
Thanks for the heads-up @Ian.

I'm guessing that they will need crunchers to update their preferences, regarding whether or not they are happy to display their crunching details(?) I updated mine yesterday, after reading their notice on BOINC client. :thumb:
Mine was already set as "Display my data" so no adjustment needed. Wouldn't all crunchers who appear on the list have this setting anyway? Otherwise they wouldn't be on the list. :confused:

Or do you mean that we should just Save again at the bottom?
Mine was already set as "Display my data" so no adjustment needed. Wouldn't all crunchers who appear on the list have this setting anyway? Otherwise they wouldn't be on the list. :confused:

Or do you mean that we should just Save again at the bottom?
Yes @nivrip, mine was also already set to "Display my data" but I "re-saved" because that seems to be the requirement of many companies, to comply with the GDPR. Felt it couldn't hurt to re-affirm.
I had a little read of the WCG forum and there's a 4 page thread on API access already, so I hope this has lit a fire under WCG to get the access token system up and running quickly. :)
I heard a little more from WCG and they're still working on the wording of the document with lawyers, so the API may not be back for a little while longer! :(
Thanks for updating us @Ian. It's a bit surprising that the WCG waited until now to sort out the legal aspects with their lawyers. Oh well, at least it doesn't affect crunching activity. :thumb:
I heard from WCG again - they've got the 1st draft of the agreement from the lawyers. However, they want to re-word it as it looked like more of a business document, rather than something for a community minded project. Hopefully this means there isn't too much longer to wait now.
I can't believe its taking them so long!
Nothing yet @Abarbarian :(.

I'm keeping an eye on the WCG forum and it doesn't look like other members are happy either. I can't imagine it'll be too much longer, as it's causing huge amounts of frustration. I'm amazed that they consider WCG points crunched as personal data...
Looks like the lawyer's have finished with the WCG stuff - I'm just reading through how to get it working and it should be online soon :).
What? You mean that all the contributors don't have to sign paperwork or accept terms and conditions before our names can appear? I'm astonished. :eek:

But really, I'm quite pleased that we can have our stats back to how they were. Checking the Stats was always the first thing I did every morning. :)