Take your WGA complaints to a member of the WGA team at Microsoft



Leythos said:
But many people only assume their copy is legit, so your argument
fails. It's already been proven by posters that they've found what
they thought was legit to be pirated, so it's working well.

Except for those that are running legit installs and got a false

For me, and hundreds of millions of users with legit installs, WGA/N is
a shear wastse of our times, with absolutely no benefit.

Working well? If MS's goal with their anti-consumer malware is to waste
its paying customers time, then I guess it is working well. Other than
that, they have no use for me or hundreds of million paying customers.

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."


Are you admitting I'm right? If so, yes, we're done.

No, I'm saying that you're wrong and you are saying that I'm wrong, and
we're not going to change our positions, so there is no point in wasting


Except for those that are running legit installs and got a false

For me, and hundreds of millions of users with legit installs, WGA/N is
a shear wastse of our times, with absolutely no benefit.

Working well? If MS's goal with their anti-consumer malware is to waste
its paying customers time, then I guess it is working well. Other than
that, they have no use for me or hundreds of million paying customers.

Then all you have is your opinion and how you "feel" about it, since
there is no real case to prove that WGAN is as big a problem as you seem
to want it to be. If WGAN was a big hassle for legit owners, as much as
you say, it would have been yanked and not still be available - and
there would be a constant outcry about it, which there isn't.


Leythos said:
No, I'm saying that you're wrong and you are saying that I'm wrong, and
we're not going to change our positions, so there is no point in wasting

Do you really think I am posting for you? LOL! Get over yourself.



Leythos said:
Then all you have is your opinion and how you "feel" about it, since
there is no real case to prove that WGAN is as big a problem as you seem
to want it to be. If WGAN was a big hassle for legit owners, as much as
you say, it would have been yanked and not still be available - and
there would be a constant outcry about it, which there isn't.

It'll be back in the news when the lawsuits get going.



Do you really think I am posting for you? LOL! Get over yourself.

No, but since it was just you and me going back and forth, I figured
since we were not going to change our positions, that there was no
reason to continue down the path.

As best I can tell, you're not helping anyone by ranting about how evil
MS is, about how bad WGAN is, about how MS is screwing its customers, as
there are few people going to make the change to anything else.


Leythos said:
Then all you have is your opinion and how you "feel" about it,

Like you have more? At least I care about my fellow human beings. You
could care less about them.
there is no real case to prove that WGAN is as big a problem as you
seem to want it to be.

With each incarnation of MS anti-consumer technologies, they become more
and more burdensome.
If WGAN was a big hassle for legit owners, as
much as you say, it would have been yanked and not still be available

LOL! You live in a dream world, where capitalism works through market
forces. It doesn't.
- and there would be a constant outcry about it, which there isn't.

LOL! Oh, there hasn't been anything in the fascist media, like Rupert's
mess, the Moonie News, WorldNuDaily, and NewsMucks?

Maybe you should expand the sources of your information!

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."

A Programmer

I don't know who said each of these things, but I'll go ahead and
comment on them.

Exactly! No benefit to me. Just another anti-consumer technology
that's come down the line (with more to come in Vista). In fact, I
looked at the Vista spec sheet and the "new features" in Vista *do not
benefit the customer AT ALL*! Most of what is new in Vista is there
for the record companies, movie companies, and Microsoft itself (DRM
and TPM anyone? Secured computing?), save a few bits of eye candy.

Exactly again! As far as I'm concerned as a end-user, I paid a
legitimate vendor a license fee for Windows XP. As far as I'm
concerned, that's the end of it, it takes me completely out of the
loop. As far as consideration of the agreement goes, anything that
violates that ability to me to use the software unimpeded for what I
use the system for (word-processing, games, etc, like everybody else),
is a PROBLEM I lay the blame of at Microsoft's feet.

Somehow I wait for the other shoe to drop on that one (assuming I can
keep WGA off my computer the next time I reload it). My computer
false-positived WPA, I have no doubt the day will come it will
false-positive WGA.

And cumbersome too. My XP license is in a DMZ situation, and I have
to go to the trouble to connect it to the Internet to validate it. And
no telling what the computer has been opened to in doing that. Another
"harm" from earlier I forgot to mention.

Not uncommon to a monopoly. One that doesn't listen to its customers
because it knows it doesn't have to and can do whatever it pleases.
With each incarnation of MS anti-consumer technologies, they become more
and more burdensome.

Exactly. And it's a burden that I notice many are starting to be
unwilling to bear. In every post I see (now dozens upon dozens),
here's the two situations now that are resulting from the
anti-consumer technologies:

1) People are immediately switching to Linux, Mac, etc. Forget any
trouble or problem that may cause, they just want *away* from
Microsoft, period.
2) People are sticking to XP, fastiduously trying to keep WGA off
their systems, and refusing to upgrade to Vista. If any issue of
forced obsolescence comes (and it will), then they state they will
move to Linux, Mac, etc.

In fact, this is really the only place I've found where there are
people that are genuinely accepting and happy with the WGA trojan.
That should tell the reader something.

Winux P

:I don't know who said each of these things, but I'll go ahead and
: comment on them.

: 1) People are immediately switching to Linux, Mac, etc. Forget any
: trouble or problem that may cause, they just want *away* from
: Microsoft, period.
: 2) People are sticking to XP, fastiduously trying to keep WGA off
: their systems, and refusing to upgrade to Vista. If any issue of
: forced obsolescence comes (and it will), then they state they will
: move to Linux, Mac, etc.

In addition to all these "new additions" in the "new" operating system Vista
are being systematically dropped as MS cannot seem to get the "new" features
working before it's unofficial release date. Except for (as you stated) the,
make sure you paid for the OS paranoid-ware. Your purchase docket\receipt
means nothing in their eyes.

It seems that Vista will be a long (longer) term project for MS as many
businesses are planning to hold on to WinXP for at least this side of the

Don't know the extent nor momentum of the Linux, Mac switch, but I'm sure
the main reason MS is throwing many beta softwares off it's website, to the
public, is probably to keep consumers with them, and away from software that
may impose a threat of competition towards their products.

Well put "A Programmer".

- Winux P


Leythos said:
No, I'm saying that you're wrong and you are saying that I'm wrong,
we're not going to change our positions, so there is no point in

Lethos is dead wrong. He is not arguing facts. He is just
flaunting his knowledge of 1500 seats. Joe Sixpack buys
a computer to use. He don't know or care to know how
it works, the same as he don't care how is microwave or
his refrigerator works. He just wants to use the items that
he paid for. XP is a lot like Baskins Robbins 26 flavors.
XPgold, XPsp1, XPsp2, XPhome, XPpro, XPmedcen,
XPpreinstalled, XPoem, XPvolume, XPfull, XPupgrade
and various levels interspersed.
People here are arguing consumer rights and you are
arguing my way or the highway.


People here are arguing consumer rights and you are
arguing my way or the highway.

I'm stating that your rights are intact, that you've agreed to allow MS
to do what they want, that you don't own the OS, and that you have
alternative choices if you want them, in most cases.

WGAN does not change your rights.

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