System Very Slow - Unknown Processes Running - Other Issues



I am having recent problems. Don't know if these are related. In order of occurance and increasing trouble I have seen

1. Can't get Adobe Acroread 6 to work. It was working and then stopped one day. Uninstall and reinstall doesn't help
2. Problems printing with IEPLORER. Click on print, and only the text URL at the bottom prints out
3. Now when system boots up, the CPU is at 100%. CUP being used by processes tgfix.exe, dumprep.exe, osa.exe,tgcmd.exe, tsc.exe
4. I shut down these processes to get some CPU available.
5. MSWORD gives errors - "Word cannot open the existing (", Files I try to open get flagged as "locked for editing by another user' (there are no other users - this is a stand alone PC connected to internet via router and cable modem), "The document nanme or path is not valid
6. Tried to uninstall MSOFFICE, but got an error doing this
7. I'm about to remove everything and reinstall the system

Any ideas?


Some of this is spyware.Run Spybot,read how to use
first.Make sure you click on the update button before
each use.....Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
I am having recent problems. Don't know if these are
related. In order of occurance and increasing trouble I
have seen:
1. Can't get Adobe Acroread 6 to work. It was working
and then stopped one day. Uninstall and reinstall
doesn't help.
2. Problems printing with IEPLORER. Click on print, and
only the text URL at the bottom prints out.
3. Now when system boots up, the CPU is at 100%. CUP
being used by processes tgfix.exe, dumprep.exe,
osa.exe,tgcmd.exe, tsc.exe.
4. I shut down these processes to get some CPU available.
5. MSWORD gives errors - "Word cannot open the existing
(", Files I try to open get flagged as "locked
for editing by another user' (there are no other users -
this is a stand alone PC connected to internet via router
and cable modem), "The document nanme or path is not

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