System VERY VERY slow



Windows XP SP2 w/ 1G memory and HP PSC 950Xi printer.

Safe mode is okay, and bootup and shut down are okay.

No matter what I click on it takes 5 minutes to respond, plus it also stalls
for 5 minutes whenever the cursor passes over the arrow for a foldout menu
(like in the start and programs menu). So just to get to the Start/ Program
Files/Accessories/ System Tools - takes half an hour.

I tried using System Restore, but after doing its thing and rebooting, the
message says it was incomplete and made no changes. (I suspect because I had
monitoring turned off on the D drive - the D drive is password protected to
restore the system to original configuration).

This all started when my printer software got corrupt (and this happened
after reinstalling Windows Media Player 9, then uninstalling it and
reinstalling WMP10). Afterwards, my printer wouldn't print. So I tried to
uninstall and reinstall the software, but it doesn't install correctly. I
tried to remove all traces of the printer, but it still takes 5 minutes to

Any suggestions please?

Shenan Stanley

Andrew said:
Windows XP SP2 w/ 1G memory and HP PSC 950Xi printer.

Safe mode is okay, and bootup and shut down are okay.

No matter what I click on it takes 5 minutes to respond, plus it
also stalls for 5 minutes whenever the cursor passes over the arrow
for a foldout menu (like in the start and programs menu). So just
to get to the Start/ Program Files/Accessories/ System Tools -
takes half an hour.

I tried using System Restore, but after doing its thing and
rebooting, the message says it was incomplete and made no changes.
(I suspect because I had monitoring turned off on the D drive - the
D drive is password protected to restore the system to original

This all started when my printer software got corrupt (and this
happened after reinstalling Windows Media Player 9, then
uninstalling it and reinstalling WMP10). Afterwards, my printer
wouldn't print. So I tried to uninstall and reinstall the software,
but it doesn't install correctly. I tried to remove all traces of
the printer, but it still takes 5 minutes to respond.

Any suggestions please?

First - you may want to try and cleanup/secure - although it almost sounds
like it is time (for you) to backup your important data (files, documents,
pictures, contacts, emails, favorites, etc..) and perform a clean

Go through this list.. even if you end up having to rebuild - this list will
help you get ready for that and teach you to properly maintain your system
(and where to get the updates, drivers, etc..)

Microsoft has these suggestions for Protecting your computer from the
various things that could happen to you/it:

Protect your PC

Although those tips are fantastic, there are many things you should
know above and beyond what is there. Below I have detailed
out many steps that can not only help you clean-up a problem PC but
keep it clean ,secure and running at its top performance mark.

I know this text can seem intimidating - it is quite long and a lot
to take in for a novice - but I assure you that one trip through this
list and you will understand your computer and the options available
to you for protecting your data much better - and that the next time
you review these steps, the time it takes will be greatly reduced.

Let's take the cleanup of your computer step-by-step. Yes, it will take
up some of your time - but consider what you use your computer
for and how much you would dislike it if all of your stuff on your
computer went away because you did not "feel like" performing some
simple maintenance tasks - think of it like taking out your garbage,
collecting and sorting your postal mail, paying your bills on time,

I'll mainly work around Windows XP, as that is what the bulk of this
document is about; however, here is a place for you poor souls still
stuck in Windows 98/ME where you can get information on maintaining
your system:

Windows 98 and 'Maintaining Your Computer':

Windows ME Computer Health:

Pay close attention to the sections:
(in order)
- Clean up your hard disk
- Check for errors by running ScanDisk
- Defragment your hard disk
- Roll back the clock with System Restore

Also - now is a good time to point you to one of the easiest ways to find
information on problems you may be having and solutions others have found:

Search using Google!
(How-to: )

Now, let's go through some maintenance first that should only have to be
done once (mostly):

Tip (1):
Locate all of the software you have installed on your computer.
(the installation media - CDs, downloaded files, etc)
Collect these CDs and files together in a central and safe
place along with their CD keys and such. Make backups of these
installation media sets using your favorite copying method (CD/DVD Burner
and application, Disk copier, etc.) You'll be glad to know that if you
have a CD/DVD burner, you may be able to use a free application to make a
duplicate copy of your CDs. One such application is ISORecorder:

ISORecorder page (with general instructions on use):

Yes - it is BETA software - but very useful and well tested.

More full function applications (free) for CD/DVD burning would be:

DeepBurner Free

CDBurnerXP Pro

Another Option would be to search the web with or and find deals on Products like Ahead Nero and/or Roxio.

Tip (2):
Empty your Temporary Internet Files and shrink the size it stores to a
size between 128MB and 512MB..

- Open ONE copy of Internet Explorer.
- Select TOOLS -> Internet Options.
- Under the General tab in the "Temporary Internet Files" section, do the
- Click on "Delete Cookies" (click OK)
- Click on "Settings" and change the "Amount of disk space to use:" to
something between 128MB and 512MB. (Betting it is MUCH larger right
- Click OK.
- Click on "Delete Files" and select to "Delete all offline contents"
(the checkbox) and click OK. (If you had a LOT, this could take 2-10
minutes or more.)
- Once it is done, click OK, close Internet Explorer, re-open Internet

Tip (3):
If things are running a bit sluggish and/or you have an older system
(1.5GHz or less and 256MB RAM or less) then you may want to look into
tweaking the performance by turning off some of the 'resource hogging'
Windows XP "prettifications". The fastest method is:

Control Panel --> System --> Advanced tab --> Performance section,
Settings button. Then choose "adjust for best performance" and you
now have a Windows 2000/98 look which turned off most of the annoying
"prettifications" in one swift action. You can play with the last
three checkboxes to get more of an XP look without many of the
other annoyances. You could also grab and install/use one
(or more) of the Microsoft Powertoys - TweakUI in particular:

Tip (4):
Understanding what a good password might be is vital to your
personal and system security. You may think you do not need to password
your home computer, as you may have it in a locked area (your home) where
no one else has access to it. Remember, however, you aren't always
"in that locked area" when using your computer online - meaning you likely
have usernames and passwords associated with web sites and the likes that
you would prefer other people do not discover/use. This is why you should
understand and utilize good passwords.

Good passwords are those that meet these general rules
(mileage may vary):

Passwords should contain at least six characters, and the character
string should contain at least three of these four character types:
- uppercase letters
- lowercase letters
- numerals
- nonalphanumeric characters (e.g., *, %, &, !, :)

Passwords should not contain your name/username.
Passwords should be unique to you and easy to remember.

One method many people are using today is to make up a phrase that
describes a point in their life and then turning that phrase into their
password by using only certain letters out of each word in that phrase.
It's much better than using your birthday month/year or your anniversary
in a pure sense. For example, let's say my phrase is:
'Moved to new home in 2004'
I could come up with this password from that:

The password tip is in the one time section, but I highly
recommend you periodically change your passwords. The suggested time
varies, but I will throw out a 'once in every 3 to 6 months for
every account you have.'

Tip (5):
This tip is also 'questionable' in the one time section; however -
if properly setup - this one can be pretty well ignored for most people
after the initial 'fiddle-with' time.

Why you should use a computer firewall..

You should, in some way, use a firewall. Hardware (like a nice
Cable Modem/DSL router) or software is up to you. Many use both of
these. The simplest one to use is the hardware one, as most people
don't do anything that they will need to configure their NAT device
for and those who do certainly will not mind fiddling with the equipment
to make things work for them. Next in the line of simplicity would
have to be the built-in Windows Firewall of Windows XP. In SP2 it
is turned on by default. It is not difficult to turn on in any
case, however:

Enable/Disable the Internet Connection Firewall (Pre-SP2):

More information on the Internet Connection Firewall (Pre-SP2):

Post-SP2 Windows Firewall Information/guidance:

The trouble with the Windows Firewall is that it only keeps things
out. For most people who maintain their system in other ways, this is
MORE than sufficient. However, you may feel otherwise. If you want to
know when one of your applications is trying to obtain access to the
outside world so you can stop it, then you will have to install a
third-party application and configure/maintain it. I have compiled a
list with links of some of the better known/free firewalls you can choose

BlackICE PC Protection (~$39.95 and up)

Jetico Personal Firewall (Free)

Kerio Personal Firewall (KPF) (Free and up)

Outpost Firewall from Agnitum (Free and up)

Sygate Personal Firewall (Free and up)

Symantec's Norton Personal Firewall (~$25 and up)

ZoneAlarm (Free and up)

You should find the right firewall for your situation in that
list and set it up.

Every firewall WILL require some maintenance. Essentially checking for
patches or upgrades (this goes for hardware and software solutions) is
the extent of this maintenance - you may also have to configure your
firewall to allow some traffic depending on your needs.

** Don't stack the software firewalls! Running more than one software
firewall will not make you safer - it would possibly negate some
protection you gleamed from one or the other firewall you run.

Now that you have some of the more basic things down..
Let's go through some of the steps you should take periodically to
maintain a healthy and stable windows computer. If you have not
done some of these things in the past, they may seem tedious - however,
they will become routine and some can even be automatically scheduled.

Tip (6):
The system restore feature is a new one - first appearing in Windows
ME and then sticking around for Windows XP. It is a useful feature
if you keep it maintained and use it to your advantage. Remember that
the system restore pretty much tells you in the name what it protects
which is 'system' files. Your documents, your pictures, your stuff is
NOT system files - so you should also look into some backup solution.

Whenever you think about it (after doing a once-over on your machine
once a month or so would be optimal) - clear out your System Restore
and create a manual restoration point.


Too many times have I seen the system restore files go corrupt or get
a virus in them, meaning you could not or did not want to restore from
them. By clearing it out periodically you help prevent any corruption
from happening and you make sure you have at least one good "snapshot".
(*This, of course, will erase any previous restore point you have.*)

- Turn off System Restore.
- Reboot the Computer.
- Review the first bullet to turn on System Restore
- Make a Manual Restoration Point.

That covers your system files, but doesn't do anything for the files
that you are REALLY worried about - yours! For that you need to look
into backups. You can either manually copy your important files, folders,
documents, spreadsheets, emails, contacts, pictures, drawings and so on
to an external location (CD/DVD - any disk of some sort, etc) or you can
use the backup tool that comes with Windows XP:

How To Use Backup to Back Up Files and Folders on Your Computer

Yes - you still need some sort of external media to store the results
on, but you could schedule the backup to occur when you are not around,
then burn the resultant data onto CD or DVD or something when you are
(while you do other things!)

A lot of people have wondered about how to completely backup their system
so that they would not have to go through the trouble of a reinstall..
I'm going to voice my opinion here and say that it would be worthless to
do for MOST people. Unless you plan on periodically updating the image
backup of your system (remaking it) - then by the time you use it
(something goes wrong) - it will be so outdated as to be more trouble than
performing a full install of the operating system and all applications.

Having said my part against it, you can clone/backup your hard drive
completely using many methods - by far the simplest are using disk cloning

Symantec/Norton Ghost

Acronis True Image

Tip (7):
You should sometimes look through the list of applications that are
installed on your computer. The list may surprise you. There are more
than likely things in there you know you never use - so why have them
there? There may even be things you know you did *not* install and
certainly do not use (maybe don't WANT to use.)

This web site should help you get started at looking through this list:

How to Uninstall Programs

A word of warning - Do NOT uninstall anything you think you MIGHT need
in the future unless you have completed Tip (1) and have the installation
media and proper keys for use backed up somewhere safe!

Tip (8):
Patches and Updates!

This one cannot be stressed enough. It is SO simple, yet so neglected
by many people. It is especially simple for the critical Windows patches!
Microsoft put in an AUTOMATED feature for you to utilize so that you do
NOT have to worry yourself about the patching of the Operating System:

How to configure and use Automatic Updates in Windows XP

However, not everyone wants to be a slave to automation, and that is
fine. Admittedly, I prefer this method on some of my more critical

Windows Update

Go there and scan your machine for updates. Always get the critical ones
as you see them. Write down the KB###### or Q###### you see when
selecting the updates and if you have trouble over the next few days,
go into your control panel (Add/Remove Programs), insure that the
'Show Updates' checkbox is checked and match up the latest numbers you
downloaded recently (since you started noticing an issue) and uninstall
them. If there was more than one (usually is), uninstall them one by one
with a few hours of use in between, to see if the problem returns.
Yes - the process is not perfect (updating) and can cause trouble like I
mentioned - but as you can see, the solution isn't that bad - and is
MUCH better than the alternatives.

Windows is not the only product you likely have on your PC. The
manufacturers of the other products usually have updates. New versions
of almost everything come out all the time - some are free, some are pay
and some you can only download if you are registered - but it is best
to check. Just go to their web pages and look under their support and
download sections. For example, for Microsoft Office you should visit:

Microsoft Office Updates
(and select 'Check for Updates' and/or 'Downloads' for more)

You also have hardware on your machine that requires drivers to interface
with the operating system. You have a video card that allows you to see on
your screen, a sound card that allows you to hear your PCs sound output and
so on. Visit those manufacturer web sites for the latest downloadable
drivers for your hardware/operating system. Always get the manufacturers'
hardware driver over any Microsoft offers. On the Windows Update site I
mentioned earlier, I suggest NOT getting their hardware drivers - no matter
how tempting.

How do you know what hardware you have in your computer? Break out the
invoice or if it is up and working now - take inventory:

Belarc Advisor

EVEREST Home Edition

Once you know what you have, what next? Go get the latest driver for your
hardware/OS from the manufacturer's web page. For example, let's say you
have an NVidia chipset video card or ATI video card, perhaps a Creative
Labs sound card or C-Media chipset sound card...

NVidia Video Card Drivers

ATI Video Card Drivers

Creative Labs Sound Device

C-Media Sound Device

Then install these drivers. Updated drivers are usually more stable and
may provide extra benefits/features that you really wished you had before.

As for Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP, Microsoft has made this
particular patch available in a number of ways. First, there is the
Windows Update web page above. Then there is a direct download site.

Direct Download of Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP

If all else fails - grab the full download above and try to use that.
In this case - consider yourself a 'IT professional or developer'.

Tip (9):
What about the dreaded word in the computer world, VIRUS?

Well, there are many products to choose from that will help you prevent
infections from these horrid little applications. Many are FREE to the
home user and which you choose is a matter of taste, really. Many people
have emotional attachments or performance issues with one or another
AntiVirus software. Try some out, read reviews and decide for yourself
which you like more:

( Good Comparison Page for AV software: )

AntiVir (Free and up)

avast! (Free and up)

AVG Anti-Virus System (Free and up)

eset NOD32 (~$39.00 and up)

eTrust EZ Antivirus (~$29.95 and up)

Kaspersky Anti-Virus (~$49.95 and up)

McAfee VirusScan (~$11 and up)

Panda Antivirus Titanium (~$39.95 and up)
(Free Online Scanner:

RAV AntiVirus Online Virus Scan (Free!)

Symantec (Norton) AntiVirus (~$11 and up)

Trend Micro (~$49.95 and up)
(Free Online Scanner:

Most of them have automatic update capabilities. You will have to
look into the features of the one you choose. Whatever one you finally
settle with - be SURE to keep it updated (I recommend at least daily) and
perform a full scan periodically (yes, most protect you actively, but a
full scan once a month at 4AM probably won't bother you.)

Tip (10):
The most rampant infestation at the current time concerns SPYWARE/ADWARE.
You need to eliminate it from your machine.

There is no one software that cleans and immunizes you against
everything. Antivirus software - you only needed one. Firewall, you
only needed one. AntiSpyware - you will need several. I have a list and
I recommend you use at least the first five.

First - make sure you have NOT installed "Rogue AntiSpyware". There are
people out there who created AntiSpyware products that actually install
spyware of their own! You need to avoid these:

Rogue/Suspect Anti-Spyware Products & Web Sites

Also, you can always visit this site..
For more updated information.

Install the first five of these: (Install, Run, Update, Scan with..)
(If you already have one or more - uninstall them and download the
LATEST version from the page given!)

Lavasoft AdAware (Free and up)
(How-to: )

Spybot Search and Destroy (Free!)
(How-to: )

Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner (Free!)
(How-to: )

SpywareBlaster (Free!)
(How-to: )

IE-SPYAD2 (Free!)
(How-to: )

CWShredder Stand-Alone (Free!)

Hijack This! (Free!)
(Log Analyzer: )

ToolbarCop (Free!)

Microsoft AntiSpyware BETA (in testing stages - Free!)
(How-to: )

Browser Security Tests (Free Tester)

Popup Tester (Free Tester)

The Cleaner (~$49.95 and up)

Sometimes you need to install the application and reboot into SAFE MODE in
order to thoroughly clean your computer. Many applications also have
(or are) immunization applications. Spybot Search and Destroy and
SpywareBlaster are two that currently do the best job at passively
protecting your system from malware. None of these programs (in these
editions) run in the background unless you TELL them to. The space they
take up and how easy they are to use greatly makes up for any inconvenience
you may be feeling.

Please notice that Windows XP SP2 does help stop popups as well.

Another option is to use an alternative Web browser. I suggest
'Mozilla Firefox', as it has some great features and is very easy to use:

Mozilla Firefox

So your machine is pretty clean and up to date now. If you use the sections
above as a guide, it should stay that way as well! There are still a few
more things you can do to keep your machine running in top shape.

Tip (11):
You should periodically check your hard drive(s) for errors and defragment
them. Only defragment after you have cleaned up your machine of
outside parasites and never defragment as a solution to a quirkiness in
your system. It may help speed up your system, but it should be clean
before you do this. Do these things IN ORDER...

How to use Disk Cleanup

How to scan your disks for errors

How to Defragment your hard drives

I would personally perform the above steps at least once every three months.
For most people this should be sufficient, but if the difference you notice
afterwards is greater than you think it should be, lessen the time in
between its schedule.. If the difference you notice is negligible, you can
increase the time.

Tip (12):
This one can get annoying, just like the rest. You get 50 emails in one
sitting and 2 of them you wanted. NICE! (Not.) What can you do? Well,
although there are services out there to help you, some email
servers/services that actually do lower your spam with features built into
their servers - I still like the methods that let you be the end-decision
maker on what is spam and what is not. I have two products to suggest to
you, look at them and see if either of them suite your needs. Again, if
they don't, Google is free and available for your perusal.

SpamBayes (Free!)

Spamihilator (Free!)

As I said, those are not your only options, but are reliable ones I have
seen function for hundreds+ people.

Tip (13):
ADVANCED TIP! Only do this once you are comfortable under the hood of your

There are lots of services on your PC that are probably turned on by default
you don't use. Why have them on? Check out these web pages to see what all
of the services you might find on your computer are and set them according
to your personal needs. Be CAREFUL what you set to manual, and take heed
and write down as you change things! Also, don't expect a large performance
increase or anything - especially on today's 2+ GHz machines, however - I
look at each service you set to manual as one less service you have to worry
about someone exploiting.

Black Viper Service Configuration Tips

Configuring Services

Task List Programs

Processes in Windows NT/2000/XP

There are also applications that AREN'T services that startup when you start
up the computer/logon. One of the better description on how to handle these
I have found here:


If you follow the advice laid out above (and do some of your own research as
well, so you understand what you are doing) - your computer will stay fairly
stable and secure and you will have a more trouble-free system.

Gerry Cornell


Try Ctrl+Alt+Delete to bring Task Manager and select the Performance Tab.
What is the Total, the Commit Charge and the Peak?

How large is your hard drive? Is it partitioned? How much free space on each
drive / partition. How is the drive formatted -FAT32 or NTFS. To get this
information whilst in Windows Explorer place the cursor on each drive in
turn, right click and select Properties.

Look in the System and Application logs in Event Viewer for Warning and
Error Reports and post copies here.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Administrative Tools, Event
Viewer. When researching the meaning of the error, information regarding
Event ID, Source and
Description are important.

HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP;enus;308427&Product=winxp

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double click
on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a button
resembling two pages. Double click the button and close Event Viewer. Now
start your message(email) and do a paste into the body of the message. This
will paste the info from the Event Viewer Error Report
complete with links into the message. Make sure this is the first paste
after exiting from Event Viewer.

Try Start, All Programmes, Accessories, System Tools, Disk CleanUp to Empty
your Recycle Bin and Remove Temporary Internet Files. Delete all but the
most recent Restore Point ( Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk
Cleanup, More options). Run Disk Defragmenter by selecting Start, All
Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


I've been battling similar problems though mine is really related to a hog of
an application. I second the suggestion to get the best Virus and Spyware
protection that you can. It is truly amaing how much junk other people can
put on your machine.

Two things that I didn't see mentioned are: A general register scrubbing - I
can't recommend a tool because that's when I go for the complete rebuild.
(2) Some MS Page recommended "Exective Software DiskKeeper". I bought it and
I am glad that I did. It must be 300% faster than diskscan, and 100% faster
than Windows Defrag. It also does a much, much better job of defragging
which will definitely be a performance improvement. It helped me a lot, and
I ran before and after bench marks to prove it.

Gerry Cornell

You need to start with the basics. Which defragmenter you use is not
crucial. It's the act of defragmenting that helps. There are other tools one
can recommend but first things first. Too much can be off putting.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


Via "safe mode" I was able to get some additional information:

As for Task Manager:
I've checked that out and there isn't anything listed that is hogging the
CPU or Memory. I don't have specifics on page faults, etc..., but it didn't
seem abnormal. Then all of a sudden whatever is bogging the system down,
releases, because all of a sudden all the things I've clicked on and tried to
open, all execute at once.

As for the harddrive and partitions:
C: is NTFS 110GB with 6GB Free
D: is FAT32 3.6GB with 730 Free (I inherited this computer and this
partition contains the original configuration and is password protected. I
can not access this but haven't had a chance to reformat it).

I've tried running scandisk, defrag, disk cleanup, cleaned up old restore
points. ran adaware and spybot. Additionally I use Microsoft SpyWare and
another free virus program (can't recall the name offhand).

EVENT LOG: Numerous DCOM errors that are identicall except the GUID changes:
EVENTID: 10010
DESCRIPTION: The server {BA126AD1-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} did not
register with DCOM within the required timeout.

Some of the other GUID's were:


Gerry Cornell


One reason your system is slow is that you have far too little free disk
space on
your C drive. It equates to 5%! I am making some suggestions below but you
should consider either storing data on backup media, discarding some of
what is there or a combination of both. You need to get to 20% free space.

To investigate how you are using hard disk space you need to make sure that
you can see all files. Go to Start, Control Panel, Folder Options, View,
Advanced Settings and verify that the box before "Show hidden files and
folders" is checked and "Hide protected operating system files " is
unchecked. You may need to scroll down to see the second item. You should
also make certain that the box before "Hide extensions for known file types"
is not checked. Next in Windows Explorer make sure View, Details is selected
and then select View, Choose Details and check before Name, Type, Total
Size, and Free Space.

I would expect the operating system to take up 6 - 8 gb, programmes a like
amount and so you have data and other files taking up 88 gb. This a lot but
does depend on what the computer is used for.

If your Windows operating system is on your C drive then turning off
of D is correct as you only need to monitor the system partition. An
inability to
restore may be the result of insufficient disk space. In any event it may
not offer
the solution you need to solve your problems.

To increase your free space on your C select Start, All Programs,
Accessories, System Tools, Disk CleanUp, More Options, System Restore and
remove all but the latest System Restore points? Restore points can be quite
large. By the way System Restore Points are hidden files which you will not
see even after you have taken the measures to show hidden files detailed

You should use Disk CleanUp regularly to Empty your Recycle Bin and
Remove Temporary Internet Files. Whenever you remove redundant files you
should always run Disk Defragmenter by selecting Start, All Programs,
Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter.

It is likely that an allocation of 12% has been made to System Restore on
your C partition which is over generous. I would reduce it to 700 mb. Right
click your My Computer icon on the Desktop and select System Restore.
Place the cursor on your C drive select Settings but this time find the
and drag it to the left until it reads 700 mb and exit. When you get to the
Settings screen click on Apply and OK and exit. This will give you some
breathing space as if you were using the default setting you now have an
extra 12 gb. Before you had insufficient space to do a proper

Another potential gain arises if your operating is on your C drive. In the
Windows Directory of your C partition you will have some Uninstall folders
in your Windows folder typically: $NtServicePackUninstall$ and
$NtUninstallKB282010$ etc.

These files may be compressed or not compressed. If compressed the text
of the folder name appears in blue characters. If not compressed you can
compress them. Right click on each folder and select Properties, General,
Advanced and check the box before Compress contents to save Disk Space.
On the General Tab you can see the amount gained by deducting the size
on disk from the size. Folder compression is only an option on a NTFS
formatted drive / partition.

Another default setting on a large drive which could be wasteful is that for
temporary internet files especially if you do not store offline copies on
The default allocation is 3% of drive. Depending on your attitude to offline
copies you could reduce this to 1% saving 2 gb. In Internet Explorer select
Tools, Internet Options, General, Temporary Internet Files, Settings to make
the change. At the same time look at the number of days history is held.

The default allocation for the Recycle Bin is 10 % of drive. On your drive
should be sufficient. In Windows Explorer place the cursor on your Recycle
Bin, right click and select Properties, Global and move the slider from 10%
to 5% to gain 5.5 gb.

In my earlier post I asked for information from Task Manager. What is the
Total, the Commit Charge and the Peak?

If you want me to help with Error messages I also need copies of the full
message not extracts. My last post explained how to copy and paste
these reports.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


Largelylivin said:
I've been battling similar problems though mine is really related to a
hog of
an application. I second the suggestion to get the best Virus and
protection that you can. It is truly amaing how much junk other people
put on your machine.

Two things that I didn't see mentioned a A general register scrubbing -
can't recommend a tool because that's when I go for the complete
(2) Some MS Page recommended "Exective Software DiskKeeper". I bought
it and
I am glad that I did. It must be 300% faster than diskscan, and 100%
than Windows Defrag. It also does a much, much better job of
which will definitely be a performance improvement. It helped me a
lot, and
I ran before and after bench marks to prove it.

I agree with that too, i never used to defrag often esp coz the job was
a pain and slow, Finally when the disk started getting fragged a lot,
got this n it runs beautifully in the background and the task is hardly
a bother. It doesnt hog system resources and has cool scheduling
features too. Performance is much better, if the system is kept clean
with a disk clean up (i'd recommend CCleaner for that) and defrag.


Hi Gerry,

Thanks for you suggestions, I 've tried them and posted results below. BUt
so far, nothings helped to fix this slow response time issue.

1. I removed all but the most recent restore points. And was able to run
System Restore, which ran successfully, but did not fix the problem.

2. Ran Disk Cleanup empty trash and removed temp files.

3. Reduced System Restore to 1% of hard drive (1542MB)

4. NT Service Pack files were already compressed

5. Temporary Internet Files is set at 100MB.

6. Internet History is kept for 20 days.

7. Reduced Recycle Bin to 5%.

8. The hard drive is now:

C Drive NTFS 110GB 40.8GB Free
D Drive FAT32 3.6GB 730MB Free
(I don’t have access to D it’s a corporate image restore)

9. The Memory Info from Task Manager:

TOTALS: Handles 9433 Threads 439 Processes

Commit: TOTAL 247424 Limit 2519740 PEAK

Physical: TOTAL 1048044 Available 641352 SysCache 434968

Kernal: TOTAL 89744 Paged 56920 Nonpaged

Processes: 40 CPU USage: 2% COMMIT CHARGE 241M/2460M

10. In Task Manager, the tasks that are "not responding" have a duplicate.
The duplicate dissppears when the tasks becomes active.

11. There are MANY DCOM errors in Event Viewer (see 12.) so I opened
Component Management, but when I clicked on COMPUTER FOLDER, the
whole app dissappeared. Logging the following 2 entries in Event

Event Type: Error
Event Source: COM+
Event Category: Unknown
Event ID: 4689
Date: 12/17/2005
Time: 12:15:22 PM
User: N/A
Computer: P6000

The run-time environment has detected an inconsistency in its internal
This indicates a potential instability in the process that could be caused
by the
custom components running in the COM+ application, the components they make
use of, or other factors. Error in
d:\qxp_slp\com\com1x\src\comsvcs\package\cpackage.cpp(1184), hr = 8000ffff:
InitEventCollector failed

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Information
Event Source: COM+
Event Category: (117)
Event ID: 778
Date: 12/17/2005
Time: 12:15:22 PM
User: N/A
Computer: P6000

Application image dump failed.
Server Application ID: {01885945-612C-4A53-A479-E97507453926}
Server Application Instance ID:
Server Application Name: COM+ Explorer
Error Code = 0x80004005 : Unspecified error
COM+ Services Internals Information:
File: d:\qxp_slp\com\com1x\src\shared\util\svcerr.cpp, Line: 1259
Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4414.308 shp

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

12. Numerous DCOM Errors:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10010
Date: 12/17/2005
Time: 10:41:52 AM
User: P6000\P6000-ADMIN
Computer: P6000
The server {BA126AD1-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} did not register with DCOM
within the required timeout.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10010
Date: 12/17/2005
Time: 10:39:52 AM
User: P6000\P6000-ADMIN
Computer: P6000
Description: The server {BA126AE5-2166-11D1-B1D0-00805FC1270E} did not
register with DCOM within the required timeout.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10010
Date: 12/16/2005
Time: 9:09:10 AM
User: P6000\P6000-ADMIN
Computer: P6000
The server {A1F4E726-8CF1-11D1-BF92-0060081ED811} did not register with DCOM
within the required timeout.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10010
Date: 12/16/2005
Time: 8:36:00 AM
User: P6000\P6000-ADMIN
Computer: P6000
The server {A9E69610-B80D-11D0-B9B9-00A0C922E750} did not register with DCOM
within the required timeout.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10010
Date: 12/16/2005
Time: 12:33:41 AM
User: P6000\P6000-ADMIN
Computer: P6000
The server {833E4010-AFF7-4AC3-AAC2-9F24C1457BCE} did not register with DCOM
within the required timeout.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Error
Event Source: DCOM
Event Category: None
Event ID: 10010
Date: 12/12/2005
Time: 1:30:56 AM
User: P6000\P6000-ADMIN
Computer: P6000
The server {8BC3F05E-D86B-11D0-A075-00C04FB68820} did not register with DCOM
within the required timeout.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Not sure what my options are, trying to avoid reinstalling the OS, but I
don't think reinstalling XP is going to fix this problem. Which leaves
reformatting the hard drive, which I hope it doesnt' come down to.

I still think this is related to issues with the HP PSC950 printer software
becuase this problem started at the same time that software got corrupt.

I maintain a firewall, and virus protection, and also run Adaware and Spybot
an a pretty regular basis.

Thanks for your help.


This weekend after running SFC System File checker, I was able to run System
Restore, so basically solved this problem by reinstalling the OS, and all
software,patches, and upgrades. Still don't understand the root cause, but
need to move on....

thanks for all your help

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