


I have breal the seal of one of my computer system and has
installed some application and drivers. I have run sysprep
at the end of the installation and it was well packed.

When I try to distribute the PC to the customer, sysprep
will run at the beginning prompting my customer to key in
their settings and preference. The problem is when their
create their user account (example bill's account).

When the system reboots and log into windows, 2 account
appears on the log on screen (bill and my account which I
need to create in order to go into windows to installed
the application for my customer)

my questions is how do I delete my account before running
sysprep, so that my account will not show up when customer
receive their system. I can't find the option to delete it
off in Windows XP Home but this is no problem in WinXP Pro.

Pascal Batros

XP need to have an admin account at any moment. If you dont want a
Howe account, use the administrator account to delete the Howe before
you sysprep.

In you sysprep.inf, set admin s password to * so that your customer
can login.

Hope this helps.


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