Sync Toy Select Subfolder List



I am trying to sync entire logical drives ... lots and lots of subfolders and
there are some I don't want to resync since they are on two different PCs.

I have V1.1.0.74 ... I noticed that there is a 1.2 BUT none of the items
fixed cover my concerns unless I am reading the fix list wrong.

1. The subfolder lists in left and right are not sorted alphabetically which
for long lists makes it very difficult to find stuff ... especially when the
lists are almost identical and in drastically different orders.
2. I think it would make sense if when you deselect a subfolder level that
all subfolders below it should be deselected too ... possibly this is what
will happen but it is not obvious.
3. Sometimes when I deselect a subfolder in the left, it is also deselected
in the right and sometime not ... I am using Echo. Even if I deselect the
subfolders of a deselected folder in the left, the subfolders are never
deselected on the right ... possibly this is trying to tell me something BUT
I don't know what.
4. After deselecting subfolders, I do a Preview and the deselected folders
still contribute to what will be done
5. It would be nice for consistancy's sake to have a "\" following the drive
letter and colon in the names of the subfolders in the list e.g. C:\abc\ NOT

I tried defining subdirectories instead of the entire volume to be synced
and when I did that, deselecting subfolders seemed to work and I pressed on
and used this tool successfully ... with the entire drive selected, I was
afraid to use it since the preview was not in agreement with the deselected
subfolder list.


I have the same problem - only i tried the sync and it failed to honour the
deselected subfolders.
I am using version 1.2 and "echo".


Like the two before me, I am also wondering if it is purposedly that SyncToy
does not unselect subfolders if I unselect a folder higher in the hierargy.

It is so that the files in the deselected folder don't get copied, so why do
the subfolders and their files?


You can right click the folder and choose unselect this folder and all
sub-folders. The problem I'm having is that if a folder is added inside of
an unselected subfolder it automatically adds it to the list. It would be
nice that if you unselect a folder that it would ignore anything that happens
in the subfolder and not sync the newly created folders.


Im also haveing the same problem as most of the others.

When I unselect certain subfolders it still comes up in a preview and still
copies across.

Its a glitch, theres no doubt - does anyone know where we go to report bugs?

Also would it have something to do with they way the hardrives are
configured? Because I set it up to sync from my harddrive (NTFS) to my
flashdrive (FAT32)

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