Subform Question



Hello, I have a subform that grabs an employee's training from a table and
the title of the associated training id from another table that has the
training courses's info. How can I have the subform list all the training
courses titles but also only list the dates taken and due from the employee's
training table for the associated training course?


Maybe I explained my question wrong. What I was attempting to get at was, I
want to show all training courses for each employee, even if they've done it
or not, but I only want the training for each employee on the same page.

John Doe
Training Title Taken Due
1 12/12/09 12/12/10
2 03/12/09 03/12/12
3 - 03/31/09
4 - 03/31/09

Next Employee Record:

Jane Doe
Training Title Taken Due
1 09/25/09 09/25/10
2 02/19/09 02/19/12
3 09/29/09 09/29/10
4 04/02/09 04/02/10

Right now with what I have all it does is list the training titles and dates
for what they have on record in the Employee Training table.. my tables are
as follows:



Employee Training
-Emp ID


I'm thinking of other possible ways since for some reason I can not get this
treeview to work, is there a way to have a form that I can use to add new
courses to my Courses table (Course_ID[key], Course_Title,
Course_Description, Course_Frequency) but then add itself to the
Employee_Training table (Training_ID[key], Emp_ID, Cse_ID, Date_Done,
Date_Due) for each employee? So somehow adding that Course_ID to a new record
with each employee's Emp_ID in the Employee_Training table.


Create Course Record (Title, Description, Frequency)
Get Course_ID
New_Course_ID = Course_ID
For each Employee_ID
Date_Taken = "-"
Date_Due = Today
Create Employee_Training record (Employee_ID, New_Course_ID,


There are a lot of lines that are coming up saying "Expected: End of
Statement" mainly the .open lines and the final .nodes line


If you could please email me at (e-mail address removed), I can email you back
with what I have so far, maybe you can see what im doing wrong that way
rather than just seeing my posts? Thank you again.

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