Streaming video ALWAYS pauses


Jim G

I have a 10meg cable connection and no matter what streaming video I try to
view, it always pauses. I know its not a bandwidth issue as this only
happens on my Media Center pc. I even formatted and started over and it
still pauses. Although if I boot up my laptop (not media center) and hop on
the wireless and view a video, its smooth.

Any ideas?


R. McCarty

Various factors, Video card & it's VRAM count, which Player (Version),
Drive type and speed. Also if it's Windows Media Player have you adjusted
any of the default settings ? Content is queued up through the Temp folder,
so have you dumped it's contents lately. Also most players use a rather
buffer ( 5-10 Seconds ). You might try to have the player buffer a larger
amount of content to prevent halting. Just way too many things to list as
possible factors. You might want to pull up TaskMgr and watch a few of
the Process counters to see how the PC is loaded while trying to stream
video content.


Depending on the streaming video "player", you may have to set up the
options to "buffer" the streaming video for "some" time.


I have a 10meg cable connection and no matter what streaming video I try to
view, it always pauses. I know its not a bandwidth issue as this only
happens on my Media Center pc. I even formatted and started over and it
still pauses. Although if I boot up my laptop (not media center) and hop on
the wireless and view a video, its smooth.

You might want to post to the mediacenter newsgroup. Someone there might
have experienced this. Make sure you specify the hardware involved.


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