Strange user-level security problems ...



Hi all - I'm confused!

On my database I have a number of user-groups already setup (and have
been working ok for sometime during testing). However, for some unknown
reason the 'Managers' group have suddenly lost the ability to action a
particular command button (which opens another form / report).

What makes this slightly stranger is the fact that one of the
particular Manager users is still able to run this command, even though
permissions have been assigned to groups only and not individuals.

One particular user is getting the error message "3033: you do not have
the necessary permissions to use the 'MSysTables' object. I can't see
this table anywhere (even when showing hidden objects).

Anybody got any ideas why this would happen and how to fix?

Unfortunately this happend when demonstrating to the boss - not good!!

Thanks for your help :)

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP

When you start getting erratic error messages it's time to import everything
into a blank database...especially when the errors mention MSysAnything.

Create a blank database using the workgroup file and import everything, one
object type at a time. That should clean up the MSTables error. The form
might be corrupt which could cause your other error.

And don't worry about your boss. I'm sure he's seen lots of demos with an
"oops" or 2. If he knows anything about developing he'll understand. If not,
start packing. ...just kidding<g>


Bill said:
Be sure to let us know if it works out OK.

Hi again

I have imported all my objects into a new database and split again into
seperate front & back-ends. Now I am going through the process of
re-assigning all my permissions and re-applying user-level security.

However, I seem to have hit a small (or maybe large) problem ...

To re-apply security I have removed all access permissions from the
Admin user and the "User" user group and created a shortcut which opens
my database using the security file. I have also repeated the process
in the new backend.

But - now I seem to be locked out? It says that i dont have permission
to access (even though I restored full admin rights for the Admins
group which I am part of)

Any ideas where I might be going wrong?

Also, is there any quicker way to remove all rights from a particular
user / group? It's so tedious having to do each object individually (in
front and back-ends)!

Thanks again :)

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP

Locked out? Did you secure the database while logged in as yourself or
Admin. If it was Admin, even though you removed all rights, "he" is still
the owner. That might be what is causing the problem.

As to removing rights for a group, sometimes it's just easier to remove the
group and tehn rebuild it. There is a pretty good security add-in for Acc
2000 and for 2002 at:

It makes security maintenance a little easier.

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP

I tried theSecurity add-in using Acc 2003 with a 2000 format database and
MDW. It seems to work fine.


Bill said:
I tried theSecurity add-in using Acc 2003 with a 2000 format database and
MDW. It seems to work fine.


Thanks Bill - i will give it a go

Sorry, not sure if you can help but ...

When an 'Managers' user (Using ULS) clicks on a certain control on a
form (which then runs a query and displays in another form) they
receive the following error message:

3033: you do not have the necessary permissions to use the 'MSysTables'

I have tried a whole load of ways to fix this problem, such as:

- I made a completely new MDB and imported everything in (each type
- I have created a completely new default workgroup file
- I set-up user-level security on the new database from scratch
- I deleted all the tables, forms and queries related to the particular
reports add-on (from my database) and imported fresh copies.
- I also created a completely new user group & user and gave them
appropriate permissions

However, nothing has worked at all - I'm at the same place I began this

There are no issues when I try to run the report as an admins user - I
don't understand why this would suddenly start to happen.

Any ideas?

Bill Mosca, MS Access MVP

Sounds like it's just a matter of finding the right permissions. What is the
query doing? Does a Manager have the necessary permissions to do whatever
the query is doing? Did you use the WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION clause in the
query so a non-owner can run it?

Are you changing anything on the form dynamically? Does a Manager have
permissions to do so?

One thing about ULS, you have to test your application with a UserID from
each User Group so you can make sure things happen as expected. My first
shot at ULS ran fine if I logged in as me, but it was filled with a bunch of
bugs when I logged in as another user in a lower group.


Bill said:
Sounds like it's just a matter of finding the right permissions. What is the
query doing? Does a Manager have the necessary permissions to do whatever
the query is doing? Did you use the WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION clause in the
query so a non-owner can run it?

Are you changing anything on the form dynamically? Does a Manager have
permissions to do so?

One thing about ULS, you have to test your application with a UserID from
each User Group so you can make sure things happen as expected. My first
shot at ULS ran fine if I logged in as me, but it was filled with a bunch of
bugs when I logged in as another user in a lower group.


The manager is selecting the required criteria in one form (creating
their own query) then the run button, which now refuses to work,
actions the query.

I will have another scout through the permissions when i get back to
work tomorrow but it has worked with no problems (when I tested logged
in as an managers user) until very recently. That's why I thought it
must be some kind of corruption.

What is this WITH OWNERACCESS OPTION - where would I find it?

Sorry - I know I'm a pain with this one. Really appreciate the help :)

Joan Wild

You started another thread about this, and I have answered there. I believe
it had a subject of User Level Security.


Access MDB Security is for flamers and wusses.

Don't use it for anything.. it's not secure; it's not reliable.
And anyone that uses it for anything should be fired on the spot.


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