Stop Folders Moving

Jun 30, 2005
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Hi, i have what most would see as a a trivial problem, but if anyone can help solve it i would be most gratefull. I have an External hard drive and use it to contain folders containing items such as photos for example. The folders are numbered 01, 02. 03 and so on. Nows the problem. When i send new stuff into the drive that has not yet been designated a folder it allways goes in front of my numbered folders. so i end up with lots of files that i have to move away from the main ones. Is there a way to lock these numbered folders so they dont move? There i told you it was trivial. but its a Nuisance i could do without. :cry:
i am not familiar with "moving" folders as you describe. I do know that when you create folders within another and go back from that folder to copy information, the folders are automatically alphabetized.

You can try to use the Remember folder settings option. Start>My Computer>tools>folder options>View>Remember each folder's settings checkbox. Check it to enable the feature.

This will require that you close any windows where you have folders viewed. This will apply the setting to all folders when you start a Computer browser window.

try that.
Thanks for the info but the box was allread checked. I have in favorites, all my folders numbered the same ie 01 Music sites, 02 Competer help forums, 03 Mobile phone forums and so on. These dont move they stay where they are and if i add to favorites it goes in underneath the numbered ones.
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It seems as if you are talking about organizing your favorites. The options for saving favorites and organizing via the browser can vary. Example: IE>Favorites>Organize Favorites. Favorites, in IE, will keep with the way that they were added. However, when going into the Favorites folder, they will adhere to the settings used for each one.

These dont move they stay where they are and if i add to favorites it goes in underneath the numbered ones.

This sounds like normal operation. Added files, when set to auto arrange (right click>arrange icons by) will function under those rules.
Sorry, I think i confused you. I was using my favorites as an example of what i am trying to do with my external Hard drive. Numbering the folders so they stay at positions 01, 02 03 and so on. In favorites they dont move. If i add something else to favorites it will go underneath the numbered folders but if i add to the external hard drive they go in front of the numbered folders.
ah, i see. well, in either case, folders are stored alphabetically. Symbols, numbers, letters in that order. Unfortunately, that is a function of Windows. I am not certain that any OS will give you that level of customization. However, you can get creative with your labelling to keep them in line.

a folder structure such as:
is fine until you get to 11. in that case you will get:
12, and so on.

Try adding an A to the numbers. Also, eliminate the zero at the front of numbers lower than 10. The way computers count is base two. we count base ten. 1-9, then to the next place marker...the tens place. that becomes 1 to indicate 10 and zero means no singles. in computer. 01(pronounced zero, one) is 1 and 10(pronounced one, zero) is 2. the zero is in the 1's place mark, the 1 is in the 2 place mark. so you can interpret that as a single 2 and no 1's.

I hope that helps you to understand what is going on.
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I tried Naming them by lettering as you suggested but its still the same. Never mind i thought there may be an easy soloution. Ill just have to keep moving them manually. Thanks for your help.