Sticking keyboards

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This is kind of off topic. I think I need to buy a new keyboard. The
ENTER key sticks down, and that can really make a mess of things.

I have the keyboard from the other computer, but I was just wondering if
anyone has ever sprayed something like WD40 on sticking keys? This
thing has been getting worse lately, so I guess it's time to buy a new
keyboard, but I just wonder if this would be a quick temporary fix to
spray it? Anyone ever tried this, or used some other spray or method?

This is kind of off topic. I think I need to buy a new keyboard. The
ENTER key sticks down, and that can really make a mess of things.

I have the keyboard from the other computer, but I was just wondering if
anyone has ever sprayed something like WD40 on sticking keys? This
thing has been getting worse lately, so I guess it's time to buy a new
keyboard, but I just wonder if this would be a quick temporary fix to
spray it? Anyone ever tried this, or used some other spray or method?


Considering you'd otherwise throw the KB away I see no harm in trying WD-40
(e-mail address removed) pretended :
This is kind of off topic. I think I need to buy a new keyboard. The
ENTER key sticks down, and that can really make a mess of things.

I have the keyboard from the other computer, but I was just wondering if
anyone has ever sprayed something like WD40 on sticking keys? This
thing has been getting worse lately, so I guess it's time to buy a new
keyboard, but I just wonder if this would be a quick temporary fix to
spray it? Anyone ever tried this, or used some other spray or method?


Those keys should pull up and off (if you run into resistance, try a
small screw driver underneath it and push upward gently. Once off you
can see if any dust or other substances have accumulated underneath it.


There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest.
He sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the
puns would win.
Unfortunately, no pun in ten did
philo said:
Considering you'd otherwise throw the KB away I see no harm in trying WD-40

I would guess if the WD-40 got into the switch contacts, it would act as
an insulator. And it would most likely disable many more keys as the oil
flowed around inside of the keyboard. Although some keyboards are spill
resistant and may prevent oil from getting into the contacts.
I would guess if the WD-40 got into the switch contacts, it would act as
an insulator. And it would most likely disable many more keys as the oil
flowed around inside of the keyboard. Although some keyboards are spill
resistant and may prevent oil from getting into the contacts.

WD-40 is ok for use on electrical contacts.

I've never had it cause a problem .
This is kind of off topic. I think I need to buy a new keyboard. The
ENTER key sticks down, and that can really make a mess of things.

I have the keyboard from the other computer, but I was just wondering if
anyone has ever sprayed something like WD40 on sticking keys? This
thing has been getting worse lately, so I guess it's time to buy a new
keyboard, but I just wonder if this would be a quick temporary fix to
spray it? Anyone ever tried this, or used some other spray or method?


Take the KB apart and see what is wrong with it!

If the rubber springs are worn out then it's junk.
If it is gunk and crud, then wash and dry all the parts and reassemble.
An air compressor helps to dry the parts.
There will be about 250 parts.
I clean my fav KB that way once per year.
Take the KB apart and see what is wrong with it!

If the rubber springs are worn out then it's junk.
If it is gunk and crud, then wash and dry all the parts and reassemble.
An air compressor helps to dry the parts.
There will be about 250 parts.
I clean my fav KB that way once per year.

Sheesh, there are only 206 bones in the body of an adult human.

I'm giving up my career as a computer repairman and taking up Osteology!
This is recommended by a few for dirty keyboards, not especially those
that stick, but that is to wash them in a dishwasher, using no soap, no
heater (that iiuc turns on during the dry cycle uniess you have it
turned off) , with the keys facing down.

Maybe I should try that.
Sheesh, there are only 206 bones in the body of an adult human.

Yeah, but the body has more than bones. Springs are like muscles,
screws are like tendons, the rubber pads on the bottom are like
cartilage, the wires are like neurons
Ohough some keyboards are spill

Ok if you say so. I never tried it.

Personally I'd probably just use another keyboard,
I have boxes of spares...but if they guy has one he really likes
WD-40 or something similar may fix it.
This is recommended by a few for dirty keyboards, not especially those
that stick, but that is to wash them in a dishwasher, using no soap, no
heater (that iiuc turns on during the dry cycle uniess you have it
turned off) , with the keys facing down.

I've heard that...for all I know it may work...but to me is sounds
insane! Moot point, I have no dishwasher here. No harm in doing the
dishes by hand.

Damn I must be out of it.

No cellphone
No garage
No dishwasher

But I do have 30+ spare computers in my workshop and one spare coffee
maker in my attic.
Plus every computer in my house is on an industrial grade UPS
Yeah, but the body has more than bones. Springs are like muscles,
screws are like tendons, the rubber pads on the bottom are like
cartilage, the wires are like neurons

Yeah, I found out the hard way and had to have my knees replaced.
Before they put me under...I was admiring (with fear) all the stainless
steel tools and instruments in the operating room.
This is kind of off topic. I think I need to buy a new keyboard. The
ENTER key sticks down, and that can really make a mess of things.

I have the keyboard from the other computer, but I was just wondering if
anyone has ever sprayed something like WD40 on sticking keys? This
thing has been getting worse lately, so I guess it's time to buy a new
keyboard, but I just wonder if this would be a quick temporary fix to
spray it? Anyone ever tried this, or used some other spray or method?


There are many different keyboard designs.

Some of them, are "easy as pie" to clean. The keyboard I'm typing
on, is a Keytronic membrane type, and the key section separates
easily from the membranes. The key section can then be
washed with whatever you want. As it's mostly plastic at
that point. The membrane itself, should be treated with respect,
as too much heat or abrasion would damage it.

There are other keyboards, like my Apple $150 (Extended II?) keyboard,
that use steel rivets to hold the assembly together. You couldn't
even get WD40 in there if you tried. It would go everywhere,
except where you needed it to go. I know the keyboard costs
$150, because I had to replace it once after a coffee spill.
The "rinsing with water" trick, simply didn't work.

And the stink of WD40, would be with you forever.
That's not my favorite working material.

Yeah, I found out the hard way and had to have my knees replaced.
Before they put me under...I was admiring (with fear) all the stainless
steel tools and instruments in the operating room.

On the news yesterday, March 13, 2014, they said that 2% (I think it
was) of Americans had artifical knees or hips. An incredbily large
number if you ask me, and I think that was their point. But I could be
wrong about any of the details. I might have even been in the next room
from the radio. So google to be sure.
On the news yesterday, March 13, 2014, they said that 2% (I think it
was) of Americans had artifical knees or hips. An incredbily large
number if you ask me, and I think that was their point. But I could be
wrong about any of the details. I might have even been in the next room
from the radio. So google to be sure.

Yes. Prior to artificial joints people had to either limp around with a
walker or be confined to wheelchairs .

I still have a bit of a limp but can be on my feet all day if I need to.

Before I had the knees replaced it was hard to be on my feet for more
than 20 minutes.
Those keys should pull up and off (if you run into resistance, try a
small screw driver underneath it and push upward gently. Once off you
can see if any dust or other substances have accumulated underneath it.

I did pop off the ENTER key, and the switch works fine. The problem is
a plastic pin which fits into a hole next to the switch. At the moment,
I just left the key off and hit the switch directly, but I intened to
clean that hole and the pin, and put a little WD40 in it. There are a
few other keys that do the same thing, they are all the large ones like
the backspace and shift keys. I bet it's the same problem. I'll be
looking for another keyboard, but for now,this seems to be fixable.
Keyboards never last me long. Most are built crappy, and I guess I'm
hard on them too. What I need is one made out of all Stainless Steel,
with lubricated ball bearings on each key :)
Damn I must be out of it.

No cellphone
No garage
No dishwasher
You're a rarity these days. *I recall saying some years back that I'd
never get a cellphone. Now I have one, and saved my ass a year ago,
when my truck died out in the middle of nowhere and it was 20 below
zero. I was 15 miles from home. I was able to call the police, who
came and let me sit in their warm squad car, while I called and woke up
a friend to come and take me home. The sheriff would have taken me
home, but I lived in another county, and they cant leave their county.
But he would have taken me to the station if I had not found a ride, he

And I cant imagine not having a TV. I only have an antenna, but I like
watching that Me-TV (oldies channel). I would not pay for the crap they
have on pay tv. Most programming these days is shit.

No dishwasher here either. Never seen the need for one. I use paper
plates most of the time. I figure it's cheaper to buy them, than pay to
heat dish water and use soap and all of that... Of course I still have
to wash pots and pans.....

My garage is a place to store junk. No room for a car :)
But I do have 30+ spare computers in my workshop and one spare coffee
maker in my attic.
Plus every computer in my house is on an industrial grade UPS

Why do you need so many computers?
I have 4 that work, and about 6 more for parts....
Until recently, I only used my Win98 desktop, and my XP laptop at WIFI
spots, but now Ive been working with that XP desktop which I repaired.
You're a rarity these days. *I recall saying some years back that I'd
never get a cellphone. Now I have one, and saved my ass a year ago,
when my truck died out in the middle of nowhere and it was 20 below
zero. I was 15 miles from home. I was able to call the police, who
came and let me sit in their warm squad car, while I called and woke up
a friend to come and take me home. The sheriff would have taken me
home, but I lived in another county, and they cant leave their county.
But he would have taken me to the station if I had not found a ride, he

I had a cell phone for work and turned it in when I retired.

My wife of course has an iphone and since we usually do things together
it's not like I'm out of touch...but I don't think I've ever needed to
borrow it either. One of these days I may cancel the land line and get a
cell phone.

Sure don't miss the TV. My wife and I do watch movies on the computer if
we want. Some years we may only have the time to watch one or two...but
this winter we watched quite a few.
And I cant imagine not having a TV. I only have an antenna, but I like
watching that Me-TV (oldies channel). I would not pay for the crap they
have on pay tv. Most programming these days is shit.

I've seen TV a few times if I go over to someone's house and it's
unbelievably bad...however my wife and I do like Big Bang Theory!
No dishwasher here either. Never seen the need for one. I use paper
plates most of the time. I figure it's cheaper to buy them, than pay to
heat dish water and use soap and all of that... Of course I still have
to wash pots and pans.....
The only time we use paper plates is for our big...once a year open
house. Don't want to be in the kitchen dealing with dishes when the
guest's are here. Otherwise the wife and I don't generate much of a mess.
My garage is a place to store junk. No room for a car :)

Why do you need so many computers?
I have 4 that work, and about 6 more for parts....
Until recently, I only used my Win98 desktop, and my XP laptop at WIFI
spots, but now Ive been working with that XP desktop which I repaired.

I am a computer refurbisher for a non-profit organization and work on
the machines in my basement. I like to work ahead a bit and to have some
ready if someone needs one. I do not need 30 and may give some of the
older ones away on Craig's List