Spelling check in Norwegian vista, windows mail



Hi, I have problem with windows mail, when I try to use spelling check in
this, it's coming up with english dictonary. If I go in at tools, alternative
and spelling, and click on language it come up with: English, Frech,
spannish, and german. Not Norwegian at all. Ony one have some ideas ?


Ole Johnny

Gary VanderMolen

Windows Mail spelling checker only supports 4 languages at this time.
That sorry status lets you know how "rushed out the door" this app was.

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

Wow, that is a major retrenchment from OE's capabilities.
I feel sorry for users in countries other than the four supported ones.

Gary VanderMolen

Steve Cochran

If you enable spell checking for any language, there will be a
UserDictionary.lex file that is editable in Notepad that you can fill with
Norwegian words.


Steve Cochran

Well Outlook 2007 broke it for OE users and in WinMail its using a "Natural
Language System" or somesuch with a bunch of dll's for the standard
dictionary (so it can't easily be hacked) and all that is left is the
UserDictionary.lex file that can be used.


Gary VanderMolen

There are silver linings. :)
The spell checker seems more intelligent than the one in OE.
For example, when you misspell, the suggested replacement is
uncannily what you intended. The darn thing reads your mind!

Gary VanderMolen

Steve Cochran

I hardly ever use spell checking.


Gary VanderMolen said:
There are silver linings. :)
The spell checker seems more intelligent than the one in OE.
For example, when you misspell, the suggested replacement is
uncannily what you intended. The darn thing reads your mind!

Gary VanderMolen

Gary VanderMolen

My spelling is fine, but my typing skills are not so good,
especially when I get tired, so I need the spell checker.

Gary VanderMolen


I really need a Norwegian spell check, as I had on my old computer with OE.
Is there any way I can get this? Download OE to my new Vista-laptop? Other
sugestions apreciated!!


Thanks Gary, your my saviour :)

Sorry WinMail. I'm leaving you after just a few weeks affair. Bye bye :-(


Ole J. said:
Hi, I have problem with windows mail, when I try to use spelling check in
this, it's coming up with english dictonary. If I go in at tools, alternative
and spelling, and click on language it come up with: English, Frech,
spannish, and german. Not Norwegian at all. Ony one have some ideas ?


Ole Johnny


"(e-mail address removed)"

Installing Outlook (not Outlook Express) adds a fifth language, but I
don't know if it's Norwegian.


Skulle du si noe Ragnar?
About to say something Ragnar?

Have used Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird for 6 months now, and I must say
that even if my typing/spelling is good (in Norwegian) its great to have the
spell check in both applications. THANK YOU MOZILLA! Can't belive that MS is
letting their competitors eat their way in to the market so easily. A classic
David/Goliath story! MS are "to big" to bother about theese small languages,
so we try the the competitor (Firefox/Thunderbird) and realize that both
applications are better than "big brother".

Look out Microsoft, they are about to bite your tail!

Regards, Preben/Norway (and Sweden and Denmark)
PS: Talking for 72 users at work as well!

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