Spell Check and Grammer Options


Robert Stanke

When I am creating a Word document and I choose to ignore certain spellings
and grammer things that Word thinks are incorrect (or I set the options to
ignore these things), what happens when I send the document to another user?
Does it red and green underline those parts, or do my options arry over with
the document?

Thanks for your help.

Robert Stanke

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Your best bet when sending to another user is to enable "Hide
spelling/grammar errors in this document."

Gia T.

What is the expected behavior after selecting Ignore All, saving, closing and
reopening a document? Are you suppose to have to Ignore words again when you
run the spell check?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It seems to vary by version. Bob Buckland recently summarized the behavior
in (I think) Word 2007, along with where the settings are stored, and it's
quite complex.

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