Speeding up XP



You can save yourself money by doing absolutely nothing. Your system
is very basic and so 512 mb of RAM and 20GB of HD should run as fast as
your processor can handle. I wouldn't do anything to increase RAM or HD

You could, however, reformat your HD and start from scratch. From
experience I can vouch for you that reformatting your HD and installing
everything again will DEFINITELY improve the system 100%.

I am currently running Pentium 3 machine with 80 GB of HD and 512 mb of
RAM and guess what! I am not complaining about anything because it is
as fast as I can type using the keyboard. I do reformat the HD every 18
months or so just for fun and to see which patches have been withdrawn
by MS. I have found that these monthly patches are regularly withdrawn
by MS once their intended purpose is finished. In fact, most of these
patches are a complete waste of time because they don't add any value to
my experience of using the internet, downloading and uploading various
cracks for application packages. I run CORE (Challenge of reverse
engineering) and yet I see no reason for having these patches. They
only succeed in slowing your system!



Wow, thanks for the little bit of comedic ignorance. You're assuming a
lot of things without having considered anything the OP stated. The
world is not a once size fits all place.


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