SP2 install failed



I'm working on a customer's machine. When attempting to install XP Service
Pack 2, the installation failes towards the end with the message, "Access

I have run a disk scan, I have removed spyware and checked for viruses.

Any ideas?


You receive an "Access is denied" error message when you try to install
Windows XP Service Pack 2

I have the same problem with a reinstall after a critical crash. I read
through the above mentioned article and could not find the "DoRegistryUpdate
failed" in svcpack.log file. But, after reading through the log the last
entries read:

379.063: UnRegisterSpuninstForRecovery, failed to delete SpRecoverCmdLine
value, error 0x2
379.078: DoInstallation: Failed to unregistering spuninst.exe for recovery.
379.141: Service Pack 2 installation did not complete.
379.141: Update.exe extended error code = 0xf201

Any ideas about this one?


Dusty said:
I have the same problem with a reinstall after a critical crash. I read
through the above mentioned article and could not find the "DoRegistryUpdate
failed" in svcpack.log file.

Ok, I stand corrected, I did find an entry in the log. It was
H_C_R_\vnd.ms.radio. Now's where the fun starts! I changed the permissions
as stated in the article, clicked apply and rebooted. Ran the SP2 install
and it failed again. Checked H_C_R\vnd.ms.radio permissions and the admin
permissions were UNchecked. Did the whole thing (change permissions) again
and rebooted. This time I checked the permissions before the SP2 install and
it was correct. So, I ran SP2 install again and, of course, it failed!
Checked those cursed permissions again and the permissions were UNchecked!
So, what could cause the admin permissions to change durring the install
process? Lordy, my brain is fried, please help.




Rock said:
I've edited permissions on HCR\vnd.ms.radio (including sub folders) to alow
the admin group. Run SP2 install and it dies with the same "access denied"
error 5.Check HCR\vnd.ms.radio and the permissions are again blank. Deleted
the key HCR\vnd.ms.radio and recreated uit with full admin peremissions.
reboot asnd check permissions again. everything is ok so I run SP2 install
(from auto-update) and again it fails. Check HCR\vnd.ms.radio permissions
again and the permissions are again
and again they are blank. What could possibly reset the permissions during
install? I'm adding a new drive next week so I don't really care because I'm
gonna do a clean install but this really has bamboozled me.......any ideas?

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