Sound timeline


Kaye Payne


Is there any way in PowerPoint that I can view a timeline where the music
that I have inserted starts and finishes?

I know there is the icon on each page that I have inserted it but I would
like to just look at the presentation and see where the next clip starts.

It seems I have put a couple of songs in that are overlapping one another
and I have two playing at once.

I will have to go through manually and fix it up but for future reference I
thought there might be some timeline that I can look at quickly and see what
I have done.

Kaye Payne


Too old, by no means.
Starting with PPT 2002, I think there is the advanced timeline. In the
custom animation task pane, click on the listarrow next to an animation and
choose advanced timeline.
You can zoom out or zoom in on the timeline at the bottom of the pane.
Usually I drag the task pane to the bottom of the screen, which gives you a
better view of the animated objects on the slide.
That said, I do not know if that will help you with your problem.
Luc Sanders
MVP - PowerPoint

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