Some users are required to enter a username/password/domain, why?



We've just released out second major ASP.NET application this week. It uses
Crystal Reports for .NET. We use forms authentication with Active
Directory, to authenticate the user against.

We have it so that when it goes to the Crystal Report is has those icons
which the user can click to print the report. If they do, then it generates
the PDF file and serves it up to the browser.

That's all fine and good, but there is a problem. And what makes it worse
is that it isn't universal. For some users, when they click on the print
button, they are giving a Windows login popup form asking for their
username, password and domain. However, other users aren't asked that
question at all.

Why is that? What's going on here?



Hi Rod
may be you need to give more details .where do you save user credentials(
of course you check on that before any aspx page response) is it in the
session or in the cash object . How long is the duration set of the cash .
it that problem happen with the same set of usurers each time or it is
random ( may or may not happen even with the same user ) . of course such
details is very good indicator where to direct your research

Mohamed M .Mahfouz
Developer Support Engineer
ITWorx on behalf of Microsoft EMEA GTSC


I used an article from Microsoft ("How To Use Forms Authentication with
Active Directory") as a guideline. That article had you creating the
authentication ticket and putting it into the Cookies collection. I've done
that. However, honestly I've done nothing with it since putting it into the
Response object's Cookies collection. Would doing something with that
ticket in help? And if so, what would I do to make it help?


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