Some Opinions on this code block ?



Hi There

I am doing some unit testing at the moment, and the majority of the leg work
involves taking two objects (expected vs actual) and verifying that their
properties are equal. The objects that I am testing and their properties are
diverse, including enums, basic system types, arrays and nested types.

The objects themselves were not written by me, and do not have any overrides
for equals, compare ... etc.

I have written a utility class that accepts two objects and returns true or
false to indicate if all the properties of the two objects are equal.

I moved over to C# 8 months ago, with no previous experience in OO or .NET,
so this function is my first attempt at combinding reflection with recursion.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback or ideas.

The code appears long, but it is actually a self contained module with
testing classes prebuilt. You can just start a new console project, copy the
code block in and then run it.

Thanks !!

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace UnitTestingUtilities
static class Program
static void Main ( )
TesterClass tc1 = new TesterClass ( );
TesterClass tc2 = new TesterClass ( );
bool testResult = ObjectComparer.AreTheseObjectEqual (tc1, tc2 );
Debug.WriteLine ( "Test returned should be TRUE, and it is actually: " +
testResult.ToString ( ) );

tc1.Array_ntc[2].Array_byteVar[0] = 0;
tc1.Array_ntc[2].Array_byteVar[1] = 0;
tc1.Array_ntc[2].Array_byteVar[2] = 0;

testResult = ObjectComparer.AreTheseObjectEqual (tc1, tc2 );
Debug.WriteLine ( "Test returned should be FALSE, and it is actually: " +
testResult.ToString ( ) );

tc1 = new TesterClass ( );
tc2 = new TesterClass ( );
tc1.Array_ntc[0].Array_enEx[0] = enumExample.asd;
tc1.Array_ntc[0].Array_enEx[1] = enumExample.asd;
tc1.Array_ntc[0].Array_enEx[2] = enumExample.asd;
testResult = ObjectComparer.AreTheseObjectEqual (tc1, tc2 );
Debug.WriteLine ( "Test returned should be FALSE, and it is actually: " +
testResult.ToString ( ) );

tc1 = new TesterClass ( );
tc2 = new TesterClass ( );
tc1.BoolVar = false;
tc2.BoolVar = true;
testResult = ObjectComparer.AreTheseObjectEqual (tc1, tc2 );
Debug.WriteLine ( "Test returned should be FALSE, and it is actually: " +
testResult.ToString ( ) );

tc1 = new TesterClass ( );
tc2 = new TesterClass ( );
tc1.StringVar = "asd";
tc2.StringVar = "yui";
testResult = ObjectComparer.AreTheseObjectEqual (tc1, tc2 );
Debug.WriteLine ( "Test returned should be FALSE, and it is actually: " +
testResult.ToString ( ) );
public static class ObjectComparer
/// <summary>
/// This function compares any two objects properties.
/// It will recursively search down through nested properties and compare
predefined system types such as
/// char, string, bool, DateTime, short, int, long, float, double ... etc
/// </summary>
/// <param name="thisType">The type of the two objects</param>
/// <param name="leftObject"></param>
/// <param name="rightObject"></param>
/// <returns>True to indicate that the objects are equal. False
public static bool AreTheseObjectEqual (object leftObject, object
rightObject )
Type thisType = leftObject.GetType ( );
if (rightObject.GetType() != thisType)
throw new ArgumentException("The two objects must be of the same type");
else if (leftObject == null && rightObject == null)
return true; //Both are null, so they are equal
else if (leftObject == null || rightObject == null)
return false; //One is null, the other is not null, so they are not equal
else if (IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( leftObject ))
//We have a basic system type or enum, which needs to be evaluate directly
if (false == CompareTwoObjectsUsingPreDefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum (
leftObject, rightObject ))
return false;
//We have multiple properties to deal with, so iterate through them
PropertyInfo[] fields = thisType.GetProperties ( );
foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in fields)
object lhs = propInfo.GetValue ( leftObject, null );
object rhs = propInfo.GetValue ( rightObject, null );

if (IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( lhs ))
//We have a basic system type, which needs to be evaluate directly
//Note ... even if we have an array of a basic system type - such as
strings - this condition does not evaluate true (which is what we want)
if (false == CompareTwoObjectsUsingPreDefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( lhs,
rhs ))
return false;
else if (propInfo.PropertyType.IsArray)
//Property is an array, need to iterate through the elements and
compare them individually

IEnumerator ieLHS = ((System.Array)lhs).GetEnumerator ( );
IEnumerator ieRHS = ((System.Array)rhs).GetEnumerator ( );

while (ieLHS.MoveNext ( ))
//Now we have the individual object in the LHS array and RHS array
if (ieRHS.MoveNext ( ) == false)
return false;
else if (ieLHS.Current == null && ieRHS.Current == null)
return true;
else if (ieLHS.Current == null || ieRHS.Current == null)
return false;
//Recursively call function,
if (false == AreTheseObjectEqual (ieLHS.Current, ieRHS.Current ))
return false;
if (ieRHS.MoveNext ( ) == true)
return false;
else if (propInfo.PropertyType.GetProperties ( ).Length > 0)
//Propery is a nested type, so recursively call function,
if (false == AreTheseObjectEqual (lhs, rhs ))
return false;
//Should not end up here
throw new Exception ( "Logical Flow Error" );
return true;
private static bool IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( object lhs )
if (lhs.GetType ( ).IsEnum)
return true;
else if (lhs is string)
return true;
else if (lhs is char)
return true;
else if (lhs is bool)
return true;
else if (lhs is DateTime)
return true;
else if (lhs is sbyte)
return true;
else if (lhs is byte)
return true;
else if (lhs is short)
return true;
else if (lhs is ushort)
return true;
else if (lhs is int)
return true;
else if (lhs is uint)
return true;
else if (lhs is long)
return true;
else if (lhs is ulong)
return true;
else if (lhs is decimal)
return true;
else if (lhs is float)
return true;
else if (lhs is double)
return true;
return false;
private static bool CompareTwoObjectsUsingPreDefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum (
object lhs, object rhs )
if (lhs.GetType ( ).IsEnum)
if (lhs.ToString ( ) != rhs.ToString ( ))
return false;
else if (lhs is string)
if (false == rhs is string)
return false;
if ((string)lhs != (string)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is char)
if (false == rhs is char)
return false;
if ((char)lhs != (char)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is bool)
if (false == rhs is bool)
return false;
if ((bool)lhs != (bool)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is DateTime)
if (false == rhs is DateTime)
return false;
if ((DateTime)lhs != (DateTime)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is sbyte)
if (false == rhs is sbyte)
return false;
if ((sbyte)lhs != (sbyte)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is byte)
if (false == rhs is byte)
return false;
if ((byte)lhs != (byte)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is short)
if (false == rhs is short)
return false;
if ((short)lhs != (short)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is ushort)
if (false == rhs is ushort)
return false;
if ((ushort)lhs != (ushort)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is int)
if (false == rhs is int)
return false;
if ((int)lhs != (int)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is uint)
if (false == rhs is uint)
return false;
if ((uint)lhs != (uint)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is long)
if (false == rhs is long)
return false;
if ((long)lhs != (long)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is ulong)
if (false == rhs is ulong)
return false;
if ((ulong)lhs != (ulong)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is decimal)
if (false == rhs is decimal)
return false;
if ((decimal)lhs != (decimal)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is float)
if (false == rhs is float)
return false;
if ((float)lhs != (float)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is double)
if (false == rhs is double)
return false;
if ((double)lhs != (double)rhs)
return false;
//Cannot cast to one of the PreDefined system types, so throw exception
throw new ArgumentException ( "Missing this Type: " + lhs.GetType (
).ToString ( ) );
return true;
public enum enumExample { asd, ert, iop };
public class TesterClass
private NestedTesterClass ntc = new NestedTesterClass ( );

public NestedTesterClass Ntc
get { return ntc; }
set { ntc = value; }

private enumExample enEx = enumExample.asd;

internal enumExample EnEx
get { return enEx; }
set { enEx = value; }

private enumExample[] array_enEx = new enumExample[3] { enumExample.asd,
enumExample.ert, enumExample.iop };

public enumExample[] Array_enEx
get { return array_enEx; }
set { array_enEx = value; }

private NestedTesterClass[] array_ntc = new NestedTesterClass[3] { new
NestedTesterClass ( ), new NestedTesterClass ( ), new NestedTesterClass ( ) };

public NestedTesterClass[] Array_ntc
get { return array_ntc; }
set { array_ntc = value; }

//System Types
private string stringVar = "blah";

public string StringVar
get { return stringVar; }
set { stringVar = value; }
private char charVar = 'c';

public char CharVar
get { return charVar; }
set { charVar = value; }
private bool boolVar = true;

public bool BoolVar
get { return boolVar; }
set { boolVar = value; }
private DateTime dateTimeVar = DateTime.Parse ( "12 Nov 2005" );

public DateTime DateTimeVar
get { return dateTimeVar; }
set { dateTimeVar = value; }
private sbyte sbyteVar = -15;

public sbyte SbyteVar
get { return sbyteVar; }
set { sbyteVar = value; }
private byte byteVar = 105;

public byte ByteVar
get { return byteVar; }
set { byteVar = value; }
private short shortVar = -23;

public short ShortVar
get { return shortVar; }
set { shortVar = value; }
private ushort ushortVar = 123;

public ushort UshortVar
get { return ushortVar; }
set { ushortVar = value; }
private int intVar = 19201;

public int IntVar
get { return intVar; }
set { intVar = value; }
private uint uintVar = 20000;

public uint UintVar
get { return uintVar; }
set { uintVar = value; }
private long longVar = 304050;

public long LongVar
get { return longVar; }
set { longVar = value; }
private ulong ulongVar = 60123;

public ulong UlongVar
get { return ulongVar; }
set { ulongVar = value; }
private decimal decimalVar = 1123.456M;

public decimal DecimalVar
get { return decimalVar; }
set { decimalVar = value; }
private float floatVar = 123432.22F;

public float FloatVar
get { return floatVar; }
set { floatVar = value; }
private double doubleVar = 13.43645456;

public double DoubleVar
get { return doubleVar; }
set { doubleVar = value; }
private string[] array_stringVar = new string[3] { "aas", "qw", "qwee" };

public string[] Array_stringVar1
get { return array_stringVar; }
set { array_stringVar = value; }
private char[] array_charVar = new char[3] { 'a', 'd', 'e' };

public char[] Array_charVar
get { return array_charVar; }
set { array_charVar = value; }
private bool[] array_boolVar = new bool[3] { true, false, true };

public bool[] Array_boolVar
get { return array_boolVar; }
set { array_boolVar = value; }
private DateTime[] array_dateTimeVar = new DateTime[3] { DateTime.Parse (
"12 Nov 2005" ), DateTime.Parse ( "13 Nov 2005" ), DateTime.Parse ( "14 Nov
2005" ) };

public DateTime[] Array_dateTimeVar
get { return array_dateTimeVar; }
set { array_dateTimeVar = value; }
private sbyte[] array_sbyteVar = new sbyte[3] { 1, 2, 3 };

public sbyte[] Array_sbyteVar
get { return array_sbyteVar; }
set { array_sbyteVar = value; }
private byte[] array_byteVar = new byte[3] { 0, 1, 1 };

public byte[] Array_byteVar
get { return array_byteVar; }
set { array_byteVar = value; }
private short[] array_shortVar = new short[3] { 123, 543, 565 };

public short[] Array_shortVar
get { return array_shortVar; }
set { array_shortVar = value; }
private ushort[] array_ushortVar = new ushort[3] { 456, 678, 567 };

public ushort[] Array_ushortVar
get { return array_ushortVar; }
set { array_ushortVar = value; }
private int[] array_intVar = new int[3] { 345, 123, 687 };

public int[] Array_intVar
get { return array_intVar; }
set { array_intVar = value; }
private uint[] array_uintVar = new uint[3] { 675, 2, 123 };

public uint[] Array_uintVar
get { return array_uintVar; }
set { array_uintVar = value; }
private long[] array_longVar = new long[3] { 12235, 234, 354345 };

public long[] Array_longVar
get { return array_longVar; }
set { array_longVar = value; }
private ulong[] array_ulongVar = new ulong[3] { 1223123, 546456, 213123 };

public ulong[] Array_ulongVar
get { return array_ulongVar; }
set { array_ulongVar = value; }
private decimal[] array_decimalVar = new decimal[3] { 223.45M, 23.4M,
123.657M };

public decimal[] Array_decimalVar
get { return array_decimalVar; }
set { array_decimalVar = value; }
private float[] array_floatVar = new float[3] { 123.643F, 12.543F,
1233.435634F };

public float[] Array_floatVar
get { return array_floatVar; }
set { array_floatVar = value; }
private double[] array_doubleVar = new double[3] { 1223.123223, 23.64435,
213.67876 };

public double[] Array_doubleVar
get { return array_doubleVar; }
set { array_doubleVar = value; }
public class NestedTesterClass
private enumExample enEx = enumExample.asd;

internal enumExample EnEx
get { return enEx; }
set { enEx = value; }

private enumExample[] array_enEx = new enumExample[3] { enumExample.asd,
enumExample.ert, enumExample.iop };

public enumExample[] Array_enEx
get { return array_enEx; }
set { array_enEx = value; }

private string stringVar = "blah";

public string StringVar
get { return stringVar; }
set { stringVar = value; }
private char charVar = 'c';

public char CharVar
get { return charVar; }
set { charVar = value; }
private bool boolVar = true;

public bool BoolVar
get { return boolVar; }
set { boolVar = value; }
private DateTime dateTimeVar = DateTime.Parse ( "12 Nov 2005" );

public DateTime DateTimeVar
get { return dateTimeVar; }
set { dateTimeVar = value; }
private sbyte sbyteVar = -15;

public sbyte SbyteVar
get { return sbyteVar; }
set { sbyteVar = value; }
private byte byteVar = 105;

public byte ByteVar
get { return byteVar; }
set { byteVar = value; }
private short shortVar = -23;

public short ShortVar
get { return shortVar; }
set { shortVar = value; }
private ushort ushortVar = 123;

public ushort UshortVar
get { return ushortVar; }
set { ushortVar = value; }
private int intVar = 19201;

public int IntVar
get { return intVar; }
set { intVar = value; }
private uint uintVar = 20000;

public uint UintVar
get { return uintVar; }
set { uintVar = value; }
private long longVar = 304050;

public long LongVar
get { return longVar; }
set { longVar = value; }
private ulong ulongVar = 60123;

public ulong UlongVar
get { return ulongVar; }
set { ulongVar = value; }
private decimal decimalVar = 1123.456M;

public decimal DecimalVar
get { return decimalVar; }
set { decimalVar = value; }
private float floatVar = 123432.22F;

public float FloatVar
get { return floatVar; }
set { floatVar = value; }
private double doubleVar = 13.43645456;

public double DoubleVar
get { return doubleVar; }
set { doubleVar = value; }
private string[] array_stringVar = new string[3] { "aas", "qw", "qwee" };

public string[] Array_stringVar1
get { return array_stringVar; }
set { array_stringVar = value; }
private char[] array_charVar = new char[3] { 'a', 'd', 'e' };

public char[] Array_charVar
get { return array_charVar; }
set { array_charVar = value; }
private bool[] array_boolVar = new bool[3] { true, false, true };

public bool[] Array_boolVar
get { return array_boolVar; }
set { array_boolVar = value; }
private DateTime[] array_dateTimeVar = new DateTime[3] { DateTime.Parse (
"12 Nov 2005" ), DateTime.Parse ( "13 Nov 2005" ), DateTime.Parse ( "14 Nov
2005" ) };

public DateTime[] Array_dateTimeVar
get { return array_dateTimeVar; }
set { array_dateTimeVar = value; }
private sbyte[] array_sbyteVar = new sbyte[3] { 1, 2, 3 };

public sbyte[] Array_sbyteVar
get { return array_sbyteVar; }
set { array_sbyteVar = value; }
private byte[] array_byteVar = new byte[3] { 0, 1, 1 };

public byte[] Array_byteVar
get { return array_byteVar; }
set { array_byteVar = value; }
private short[] array_shortVar = new short[3] { 123, 543, 565 };

public short[] Array_shortVar
get { return array_shortVar; }
set { array_shortVar = value; }
private ushort[] array_ushortVar = new ushort[3] { 456, 678, 567 };

public ushort[] Array_ushortVar
get { return array_ushortVar; }
set { array_ushortVar = value; }
private int[] array_intVar = new int[3] { 345, 123, 687 };

public int[] Array_intVar
get { return array_intVar; }
set { array_intVar = value; }
private uint[] array_uintVar = new uint[3] { 675, 2, 123 };

public uint[] Array_uintVar
get { return array_uintVar; }
set { array_uintVar = value; }
private long[] array_longVar = new long[3] { 12235, 234, 354345 };

public long[] Array_longVar
get { return array_longVar; }
set { array_longVar = value; }
private ulong[] array_ulongVar = new ulong[3] { 1223123, 546456, 213123 };

public ulong[] Array_ulongVar
get { return array_ulongVar; }
set { array_ulongVar = value; }
private decimal[] array_decimalVar = new decimal[3] { 223.45M, 23.4M,
123.657M };

public decimal[] Array_decimalVar
get { return array_decimalVar; }
set { array_decimalVar = value; }
private float[] array_floatVar = new float[3] { 123.643F, 12.543F,
1233.435634F };

public float[] Array_floatVar
get { return array_floatVar; }
set { array_floatVar = value; }
private double[] array_doubleVar = new double[3] { 1223.123223, 23.64435,
213.67876 };

public double[] Array_doubleVar
get { return array_doubleVar; }
set { array_doubleVar = value; }


Ben said:
Hi There

I am doing some unit testing at the moment, and the majority of the leg
involves taking two objects (expected vs actual) and verifying that their
properties are equal. The objects that I am testing and their properties
diverse, including enums, basic system types, arrays and nested types.

Your code does not seem to reflect the use of unit testing but rather you
wrote a whole bunch of code and then wanted to see if it ALL worked. It has
extrememly long methods and also you are not even testing the actual classes
but some TestingClass so I am confused. I would have a method and a test for
each distinct way in which the classes would be considered equal or not
equal. For example it appears that you will will be passing the objects to
the EqualityTester as objects so the first test would deal with being null
and perhaps if they are not null then testing their type. To me combining
these 2 comparisons seems reasonable but that is all that should go in that

If you are serious about unit testing then you want a test runner like NUnit
or NUnitAddIn (



The objects themselves were not written by me, and do not have any
for equals, compare ... etc.

I have written a utility class that accepts two objects and returns true
false to indicate if all the properties of the two objects are equal.

I moved over to C# 8 months ago, with no previous experience in OO or
so this function is my first attempt at combinding reflection with
I would greatly appreciate any feedback or ideas.

The code appears long,

P.S. in unit testing we might consider this a code smell.

but it is actually a self contained module with

Marcus Andrén

[Snip introduction and test code]

First of all, I would recommend that you in the future use a real
testing framework like NUnit. That way you can have the test code in
one assembly and the real code in another. A real framework also makes
it easier to automate testing.
public static class ObjectComparer
/// <summary>
/// This function compares any two objects properties.
/// It will recursively search down through nested properties and compare
predefined system types such as
/// char, string, bool, DateTime, short, int, long, float, double ... etc
/// </summary>
/// <param name="thisType">The type of the two objects</param>
/// <param name="leftObject"></param>
/// <param name="rightObject"></param>
/// <returns>True to indicate that the objects are equal. False
public static bool AreTheseObjectEqual (object leftObject, object
rightObject )
Type thisType = leftObject.GetType ( );
if (rightObject.GetType() != thisType)
throw new ArgumentException("The two objects must be of the same type");
else if (leftObject == null && rightObject == null)
return true; //Both are null, so they are equal
else if (leftObject == null || rightObject == null)
return false; //One is null, the other is not null, so they are not equal
else if (IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( leftObject ))
//We have a basic system type or enum, which needs to be evaluate directly
if (false == CompareTwoObjectsUsingPreDefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum (
leftObject, rightObject ))
return false;

First of all I would rename the method to CompareSystemTypes which is
somewhat shorter. I would also use the following syntax instead:

return CompareSystemTypes(leftObject==rightObject);

Instead of the code below, I would do it like this to make it truly
recursive (I am writing this without an editor so I won't guarantee
correctness or anything9:

else if(leftObject is System.Array) // Do the array comparison here
//Also, instead of using IEnumerators, why not cast to system array
and do it like this
System.Array leftArray = (System.Array)leftObject;
System.Array rightArray = (System.Array)rightObject;
if(leftArray.Length != rightArray.Length)
return false;
for(int i=0;i<leftArray.Length;i++)
return false;
return true;
//We have multiple properties to deal with, so iterate through them
PropertyInfo[] fields = thisType.GetProperties ( );
foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in fields)
object lhs = propInfo.GetValue ( leftObject, null );
object rhs = propInfo.GetValue ( rightObject, null );
return false;
return true;

That should replace all the code in the method below this.
//We have multiple properties to deal with, so iterate through them
PropertyInfo[] fields = thisType.GetProperties ( );
foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in fields)
object lhs = propInfo.GetValue ( leftObject, null );
object rhs = propInfo.GetValue ( rightObject, null );

if (IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( lhs ))
//We have a basic system type, which needs to be evaluate directly
//Note ... even if we have an array of a basic system type - such as
strings - this condition does not evaluate true (which is what we want)
if (false == CompareTwoObjectsUsingPreDefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( lhs,
rhs ))
return false;
else if (propInfo.PropertyType.IsArray)
//Property is an array, need to iterate through the elements and
compare them individually

IEnumerator ieLHS = ((System.Array)lhs).GetEnumerator ( );
IEnumerator ieRHS = ((System.Array)rhs).GetEnumerator ( );

while (ieLHS.MoveNext ( ))
//Now we have the individual object in the LHS array and RHS array
if (ieRHS.MoveNext ( ) == false)
return false;
else if (ieLHS.Current == null && ieRHS.Current == null)
return true;
else if (ieLHS.Current == null || ieRHS.Current == null)
return false;
//Recursively call function,
if (false == AreTheseObjectEqual (ieLHS.Current, ieRHS.Current ))
return false;
if (ieRHS.MoveNext ( ) == true)
return false;
else if (propInfo.PropertyType.GetProperties ( ).Length > 0)
//Propery is a nested type, so recursively call function,
if (false == AreTheseObjectEqual (lhs, rhs ))
return false;
//Should not end up here
throw new Exception ( "Logical Flow Error" );
return true;

private static bool IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( object lhs )
if (lhs.GetType ( ).IsEnum)
return true;
else if (lhs is string)
return true;
else if (lhs is char)
return true;
else if (lhs is bool)
return true;
else if (lhs is DateTime)
return true;
else if (lhs is sbyte)
return true;
else if (lhs is byte)
return true;
else if (lhs is short)
return true;
else if (lhs is ushort)
return true;
else if (lhs is int)
return true;
else if (lhs is uint)
return true;
else if (lhs is long)
return true;
else if (lhs is ulong)
return true;
else if (lhs is decimal)
return true;
else if (lhs is float)
return true;
else if (lhs is double)
return true;
return false;

Ugh, rewrite this as follows:

private static bool IsObjectOneOfPredefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum ( object
lhs )
return lhs.GetType ( ).IsEnum ||
lhs is string ||
lhs is char
lhs is double;
private static bool CompareTwoObjectsUsingPreDefinedDotNetTypesOrEnum (
object lhs, object rhs )

You know that lhs, rhs is of the same type and that they are system

This should work I think.

return lhs.Equals(rhs);

In all likelyhood it would be simpler to remove this method completly
and inline the above code snippet where needed.

if (lhs.GetType ( ).IsEnum)
if (lhs.ToString ( ) != rhs.ToString ( ))
return false;
else if (lhs is string)
if (false == rhs is string)
[.... Remaining code removed]

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