A Function That Compares the Properties of Two Arrays



Hi There

I am learning about reflection so apologies if this post is vague ...

I am doing some unit testing and have written a function that accepts
two objects and tests to see if their properties are equal. It seems
to work OK except when a object has a property that is an array.

The GetValue method of the PropertyInfo class returns an object, and I
want to convert it to an array of objects. For some reason, this

object[] objectArray = (object[])myObject;

However if I know the type, then it works. For example:

SecurityRoles[] rolesArray = (SecurityRoles[])object;

The problem is that I don't know the type at design time ! I tried to
do this:

propInfo.PropertyType[] objectArray =

But it did not compile (ps ... propInfo is an instance of the
PropertyInfo class).

The code listing for my function is below. I would really appreciate
any guidance!


using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ServerTest
public static class ObjectComparer
/// <summary>
/// This function compares any two objects properties. It will
recursively search down through nested properties
/// WARNING - It only compares properties that are one of the
following string, char, short, int, long, bool, DateTime, Enum
/// </summary>
/// <param name="thisType">The type of the two objects</param>
/// <param name="leftObject"></param>
/// <param name="rightObject"></param>
/// <returns>True to indicate that the objects are equal.
False otherwise</returns>
public static bool AreTheseObjectEqual(Type thisType, object
leftObject, object rightObject)
if (leftObject == null && rightObject == null)
return true;

if (leftObject == null || rightObject == null)
return false;

PropertyInfo[] fields = thisType.GetProperties();

foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in fields)
if (propInfo.PropertyType.IsArray)

//Property is an array, need to iterate through the
elements and compare them


//object lhs = propInfo.GetValue(leftObject, null);
//object rhs = propInfo.GetValue(rightObject,

////This does not work
//object[] lhsArray = (object[])lhs;
//object[] rhsArray = (object[])rhs;

////If the above worked, I could then do this:
//if (lhsArray.Length != rhsArray.Length)
// return false;
// for (int i = 0; i < lhsArray.Length; i++)
// {
// if (false ==
// return false;
// }

//BUT .... If I knew the type then this would
//STE.Model.SecurityRoles[] secRolesLHS =
//STE.Model.SecurityRoles[] secRolesRHS =
//But I don't know the type at run time
object lhs = propInfo.GetValue(leftObject, null);
object rhs = propInfo.GetValue(rightObject, null);

if (propInfo.PropertyType.IsEnum)
if (lhs.ToString() != rhs.ToString())
return false;
else if (lhs is string)
if (false == rhs is string)
return false;
if ((string)lhs != (string)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is char)
if (false == rhs is char)
return false;
if ((char)lhs != (char)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is bool)
if (false == rhs is bool)
return false;
if ((bool)lhs != (bool)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is short)
if (false == rhs is short)
return false;
if ((long)lhs != (long)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is int)
if (false == rhs is int)
return false;
if ((int)lhs != (int)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is long)
if (false == rhs is long)
return false;
if ((long)lhs != (long)rhs)
return false;
else if (lhs is DateTime)
if (false == rhs is DateTime)
return false;
if ((DateTime)lhs != (DateTime)rhs)
return false;
PropertyInfo[] nestedFields =
if (nestedFields.Length > 0)
if (false ==
propInfo.GetValue(leftObject, null), propInfo.GetValue(rightObject,
return false;
return true;

Joerg Jooss

Ben said:
Hi There

I am learning about reflection so apologies if this post is vague ...

I am doing some unit testing and have written a function that accepts
two objects and tests to see if their properties are equal. It seems
to work OK except when a object has a property that is an array.

The GetValue method of the PropertyInfo class returns an object, and
I want to convert it to an array of objects. For some reason, this

Without looking deeply into your code, if you want to write generic
array comparsion code, you should work with the System.Array class, not
object[]. All array types are derived from Array, not object[].


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