Some forms based on queries are uneditable, but queries don't overlap


Rachel Garrett

I keep running into the issue of my forms being uneditable. So far, it
has always been a design thing -- I needed to separate the source data
into further tables, to avoid "overlapping" queries.

However, I am running into an issue now where *some* queries with
expressions result in an editable form, and some don't.

What I want to do, essentially, is present the user with the status,
score, and current target date of their task. The scores are stored in
a table, as are the target dates. If there is an assessment that shows
they reached their score, the status is "achieved", otherwise it's
"planned". This is done with an expression. Users need to be able to
change their target dates, hence the form.

When scores are assigned, they are assigned to the task as a whole (it
can get a number 1 through 5). But each number has its own target date
assigned to do the things that will get to a 1, a 2, etc. So it seems
to me they ought to be kept separate in a well-designed database, and
just join them via the task name. Once I start putting in calculations
about the status, Access doesn't let users edit the form any more.

Any suggestions?


Rachel Garrett

I think I figured it out. I had a relationship that was 1-to-1, but I
didn't put the primary key on it, so it was 1-to-many. When I saw the
error and fixed it, the relationship had remained 1-to-many. That is
why the form became uneditable after I created another 1-to-many link
from it.

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