Some bizarre Problems with Windows XP Home



Hi I am running Win XP Home on my laptop. It all started when one day I saw a
folder named "Documents" in "My Computer". Whenever I tried to open it, I got
the message "Access denied". I couldn't even delete it. There were two other
usual folders thar were accessible by me - my own documents folder and
"Guest's Documents". I checked my computer thoroughly with the best
anti-virus and anti-spyware programs and nothing was found.

Someone suggested to do a system restore. After doing that-

1. The unaccesible "Documents" folder is still there.
2. My Windows calculator, wordpad and paintbrush programs are gone !!
3. I am in a wireless LAN network. But now in the "My network places" I
can't find out the other computers. Internet is working fine.

Mine is a Dell laptop and their policy is that they don't give you the
Windows CD and hence I can't reinstall Windows !!

Finally, in a bid to free up my disc space, I have deleted all system
restore information so can't go back again to initial point !

Please help me out of these strange problems. By the way, all my other
programs are working just fine.

Thanks a lot in advance

Ron Sommer

You don't have a XP CD, but the XP install files are on the hard drive.
Start. Settings, Add or Remove Programs, Windows Components, Accessories,
Details button, Accessories, Details button...........

What exactly did you delete?


Things were messed up somehow and you made them worse.

I would buy an OEM copy of XP, which is much cheaper that the full retail
edition, run the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard under Accessories =>
System Tools, save the data file to a CD/DVD, reformat the C: drive, perform
a clean installation of XP, and then restore the settings and data files.

PC Buyer Beware!

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