smartphone adaptation to PCReview


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
So, I finally got me a new phone, it's one of them "smarties", as I call them, although it can't yet make me a coffee, I find it very good at other things. :)

and before you all ask, I got a cheap Samsung Galaxy y from Asda ... never knew the y stood for young. :lol:

I am, therefore Ian, wondering if you have looked in to providing us viewers with a "smarties" version, conversion, adaptation for "PCReview Smarties". :cool:

So, I finally got me a new phone, it's one of them "smarties", as I call them, although it can't yet make me a coffee, I find it very good at other things. :)

Yes, but can you make a phone call on it? :D
Yes, but can you make a phone call on it? :D
aye, and receive calls without cutting them off before answering, unlike some older fogies, I didn't say that. :lol:

Yes, the "phone" is rather good for me, anyone got a spell checker app. :p

That looks like a nice phone Mucks :thumb: long may you enjoy it!

Regarding the spellchecker... this one is for Android phones, so not sure if it would help?
Yep, it's a 'droid' phone, you beat me to it, was just looking at this one, installing now. :)

free is good. :nod:

[edit]looked good, however, couldn't actually use it, the adds moved the text down below my on screen keyboard, I couldn't see what I was typing ... I could 'buy' the add free version. :rolleyes:

Uninstalled ... looking at the next one. :lol:
Theres TapaTalk, but i believe you have to pay for it. Personally, i'm quite happy with the site on my phone as it is.
Hope you're enjoying the new phone Mucks :D.

I took a look at mobile apps/skins for the site a while ago, but there were either security problems (for the 3rd party addons) or technical hurdles (detecting mobile skins correctly in this version of VB) and it didn't look like it was worthwhile at the time. I'll have another look tomorrow night and see if there's anything that can be done (it may be that a selectable "light" skin may be possible) - but no guarantees ;)
Ian, if any of these are remotely a security risk, then don't bother ... I'll use me PC where I can type easier. :D
I just need a bigger screen!:lol:
And that may come around in July with a Galaxy 2s thingy.:thumb:
i don't like galaxy y i think that galaxy 1 is lot better and s2 o0o0o0o0o...........great smart phones.................:thumb: