Slow Getting Email



Diamontina Cocktail said:
Actually, no you didnt. You didnt bother to read the thread or you would
have seen - he made a mistake and didnt want to admit it and decided to do
a "mine is bigger than yours" instead. HE started a pissing contest that
wasnt worth it. He could just have admitted it or simply not replied. The
info I gave was good and valid. He just didnt like that proof.

When the person can realise that his name is not God, then he wont enter
into this sort of crap. He made a mistake and I simply pointed out that
what he said wasn't right in this case and he couldn't take it but you
jump in and defend him saying he has been of help in the group. What the
hell does that have to do with anything? I have even corrected the people
in Microsoft newsgroups to whom Microsoft give out their Microsoft
initials to use. I don't do that because they are right. I do that when
they are wrong. EVERYONE makes mistakes so stop compounding his with
yours. Let the newsgroup go on without that sort of rubbish. If a person
is wrong in their advice, it doesn't hurt to hear why. That is something
you need to accept.

You're the one keeping the rubbish going! So let's just agree to disagree on
this subject and let this newsgroup get on with more important things like
what it is here for.


Well, I don't know what the answer to this question is, but my e-mail worked
just fine until the day before yesterday, and now, it takes about 30 seconds
to download one simple email and about 2 minutes to download more than one!
These are emails with no pictures, no attachments, no nothing! So if
someone has an answer to THAT, without insulting anyone who tries to help me,
then I would appreciate it!

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you running? Windows Mail is not compatible
with most McAfee and Norton security programs. Those will need
to be uninstalled, not just disabled.

After uninstalling your non-compatible antivirus, download
and install a more compatible antivirus like the free Avast:

Even compatible antivirus programs will need to have their
email scanning option turned off. For more on this topic see


Thank you, Gary. I do have one of those antiviruses, but the weird thing
is, I've had this computer since March, and my e-mail just now started doing
this! If it persists, I'll uninstall my antivirus. Thank you for taking the


Do you have a firewall running? I installed zone alarm and my email
downloads got very slow as well. Unistalled it and they want back to being
quick again.

Gary VanderMolen

The antivirus incompatibility problem has a very unpredictable
incubation period. It can take minutes, or quite a few months to
show up.

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