Slow Getting Email


Gary VanderMolen

The particular email client program you use has no bearing on
how long it takes to receive emails.

Gary VanderMolen


Open and close the Windows Calendar from the option within Windows Mail and
see if it makes a difference.
- click Tools/Windows Calendar to open then close it.


its not just you.when i send out an email it immediately appears in my sent mail. However, it takes forever for me to receive emails. I went into the control panel and changed my time settings (they were set to pacific time) thinking that would sovle the issue. However it has not changed. I think i am going back to outlook.

-kenya - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Gary VanderMolen

It is absurd to think that one's email client or time zone has any
bearing on how quickly mail is delivered. You might as well
believe in witchcraft.

Gary VanderMolen

in message news:[email protected]...

Diamontina Cocktail

Wrong on so many counts! Just one need be said though - if the program is
buggy it wont run as fast nor receive email as fast, possibly, as others.

Diamontina Cocktail

I'd suggest you read more.

Gary VanderMolen said:
It is absurd to think that one's email client or time zone has any
bearing on how quickly mail is delivered. You might as well
believe in witchcraft.

Gary VanderMolen

in message news:[email protected]...


Ok, I'll accept that sometimes a client *runs* slower, so the mail will
appear to download slower, but sometimes that's caused be AntiVirus programs
scanning inbound messages in addition to scanning the message files as they
are downloaded. Disabling email scanning helps. Multi-tasking can use up
resources and cause mail to download or *receive* slower, too.

On the other hand, nothing about your computer can effect how long it takes
a message to get through your ISP, to the recipient's ISP, and into their
mail account. Those delays are caused by the SMTP server AV scans, then how
many "hops" until it arrives, then the POP server AV scans, *then* you are
allowed to download it. Now your software can have an effect.

As far as your clock's time zone settings, that shouldn't have anything to
do with it, because I see posts from the future all the time. <g>


"Diamontina Cocktail" wrote in message

Diamontina Cocktail

KristleBawl said:
Ok, I'll accept that sometimes a client *runs* slower, so the mail will
appear to download slower, but sometimes that's caused be AntiVirus
programs scanning inbound messages in addition to scanning the message
files as they are downloaded. Disabling email scanning helps.
Multi-tasking can use up resources and cause mail to download or *receive*
slower, too.

On the other hand, nothing about your computer can effect how long it
takes a message to get through your ISP, to the recipient's ISP, and into

Wrong. I dont mean to sound offensive when putting it that way, BTW but that
is the case anyway. There are any number of things that can go on that make
you receiving email go slow, not the least of which is that your ISP's mail
server is suffering a DOS attack. Putting that aside, they simply may be
suffering a technical problem. Your phone line (or wi-fi) may be suffering
interference. Line taps by Govt authorities can not only make things slow
down they can actually accidentally cut your line off, especially when the
tap is removed.
mail account. Those delays are caused by the SMTP server AV scans, then
how many "hops" until it arrives, then the POP server AV scans, *then* you
are allowed to download it. Now your software can have an effect.

As far as your clock's time zone settings, that shouldn't have anything to
do with it, because I see posts from the future all the time. <g>

That also depends where you are getting your mail from. I have been at ISPs
who wouldnt send through mail that was in the future or too far in the past
and some that just had problems sending it. You are asking, right about now,
how your ISP would know and then thinking "Well it COULD know but why SHOULD
it know?" etc. Good questions. The answer depends upon your ISP's way of
looking at email. Technically, every single email ever sent (including
attachments) is just a series of text that make up the email you receive.
However, some ISPs are just odd. Also, you may have a domain of your own.
GoDaddy, for example, will pre-filter email coming to your domain before
your domain receives it and kill it depending on their own desires and not
even tell you so whatever happens at your ISP is nothing compared to that.

Gary VanderMolen

What are your credentials?
I have worked as a tech support person in the personal computer field
since 1989, including several years with a large ISP.

Gary VanderMolen

Diamontina Cocktail

Just goes to prove the old saying - you should find a job you are good at!
Saying you work at it - big deal. I know many who make the same claim and
few who live up to it. Just work it all out, below for yourself and you will
see what you said is wrong. THEN, you will know.

Gary VanderMolen

That's OK, you're entitled to your beliefs. I'll just go by my track record.

Haven't seen you supply many answers here.

Gary VanderMolen


This is a help group letter, not a pissing contest! So please lets not start
insulting each other and wasting time and space on it. If you don't agree
with something someone writes then ignore it or comment respectfully please.
Gary has been very helpful to many of us in this group and I for one am
grateful for his advice. I have found him to be pretty accurate so far. I
for one am grateful to him for all his contributions to this group. He
doesn't have to share his knowledge with us, you could always pay the
"Geeksquad" for info. Thanks Gary for all your help. Diamontina, I mean no
disrespect to you, it's just that I just left one newsgroup because most of
the postings were insults being posted back and forth and not much info and
I would hate to see this one become like that. I have learned a lot just
from reading this groups postings.
Thanks to everyone for sharing :)

Diamontina Cocktail

Your track record proves you wrong, though, so I wouldn't be doing that were
I you.

Eg, just because you are the Treasurer of a country (or equivalent word used
in whatever country you choose), it doesn't mean you really ARE good at the
job. You ought to find a job you are good at and stick with that!

Diamontina Cocktail

Bonnie said:
This is a help group letter, not a pissing contest! So please lets not
start insulting each other and wasting time and space on it. If you don't
agree with something someone writes then ignore it or comment respectfully

I *WAS* being helpful. I pointed out where he was wrong, whereupon he
started a contest of "mine is bigger than yours". Eg, he didnt like being
shown he was wrong. Sure he may have been right on everything else he said
but if he cant take having an error he made being pointed out, he is in the
wrong profession. Perhaps you should read the emails and stop making
prejudiced judgements.
Gary has been very helpful to many of us in this group and I for one am
grateful for his advice. I have found him to be pretty accurate so far. I
for one am grateful to him for all his contributions to this group. He
doesn't have to share his knowledge with us, you could always pay the
"Geeksquad" for info. Thanks Gary for all your help. Diamontina, I mean no
disrespect to you, it's just that I just left one newsgroup because most
of the postings were insults being posted back and forth and not much info
and I would hate to see this one become like that. I have learned a lot
just from reading this groups postings.

You seem to have a problem with corrections to errors being pointed out. He
made an error. If you dont like that, dont read the replies. It is as simple
as that. Newsgroups are anarchies and there is nothing you can really do
about that except ignore that which you dont like. Stop being so controlling
and enjoy the atmosphere. If he is wrong, he should be able to take it. If
he cant, he needs to grow up.

Cal Bear '66

Mr. VanderMolen's track record of HELPING people in this newsgroup is terrific,
and has been for months.

And you show up just a few days ago with your bitchy self-righteous unhelpful
snotty off-topic sneers!

I have already kill filed you in the vista.general group, and will also do so in
this group now.

Perhaps a more appropriate alias for you would be DEMENTIA cocktail -- of which
you have been obviously over indulged.



Diamontina Cocktail said:
I *WAS* being helpful. I pointed out where he was wrong, whereupon he
started a contest of "mine is bigger than yours". Eg, he didnt like being
shown he was wrong. Sure he may have been right on everything else he said
but if he cant take having an error he made being pointed out, he is in
the wrong profession. Perhaps you should read the emails and stop making
prejudiced judgements.

You seem to have a problem with corrections to errors being pointed out.
He made an error. If you dont like that, dont read the replies. It is as
simple as that. Newsgroups are anarchies and there is nothing you can
really do about that except ignore that which you dont like. Stop being so
controlling and enjoy the atmosphere. If he is wrong, he should be able to
take it. If he cant, he needs to grow up.
OK, I tried to be nice the first time around. But I guess you don't
understand that.
Maybe you should take your own dang advice! I'm not the one who is being
controlling and downright bitchy about anything! I replied to you
respectfully just as Gary did in a previous post and you reply back with
all this self righteous attitude, like you are some kind of pro. Well I
don't know about anyone else in this newsgroup but I for one will trust
Gary's judgement, who has been with this group much longer than you, long
before I will trust you. Do you really expect anyone to respect you on
here when in just the first few posts you made, you started insulting
pretty much anyone who replied to you. We don't need this kind of bull in
this group. We all show each other respect when posting and replying in
this group, and if you can't respect that then maybe you should go join
Microsoft.trashtalk.newsgroup and leave us alone!
Now as far as I'm concerned this conversation is over and this group can get
back to what it is here for.

Diamontina Cocktail

Cal Bear '66 said:
Mr. VanderMolen's track record of HELPING people in this newsgroup is
terrific, and has been for months.

And you show up just a few days ago with your bitchy self-righteous
unhelpful snotty off-topic sneers!

That comment alone proves that you:

1) Know nothing of which you speak. Like many I have been around here for
ages and changed machines thus ended up forgetting old names and using new

2) Dont bother to read what is said. He made a mistake. Instead of leaving
it at that, he pulls out a "mine is bigger than yours". Everyone makes
mistakes - apparently excepting him. Dont emulate that bad part of him.
I have already kill filed you in the vista.general group, and will also do
so in this group now.

Fools killfile. It is just a computer based way of putting your hands over
your ears and yelling so you cant hear the truth.

Diamontina Cocktail

Bonnie said:
OK, I tried to be nice the first time around. But I guess you don't
understand that.

Actually, no you didnt. You didnt bother to read the thread or you would
have seen - he made a mistake and didnt want to admit it and decided to do a
"mine is bigger than yours" instead. HE started a pissing contest that wasnt
worth it. He could just have admitted it or simply not replied. The info I
gave was good and valid. He just didnt like that proof.
Now as far as I'm concerned this conversation is over and this group can
get back to what it is here for.

When the person can realise that his name is not God, then he wont enter
into this sort of crap. He made a mistake and I simply pointed out that what
he said wasn't right in this case and he couldn't take it but you jump in
and defend him saying he has been of help in the group. What the hell does
that have to do with anything? I have even corrected the people in Microsoft
newsgroups to whom Microsoft give out their Microsoft initials to use. I
don't do that because they are right. I do that when they are wrong.
EVERYONE makes mistakes so stop compounding his with yours. Let the
newsgroup go on without that sort of rubbish. If a person is wrong in their
advice, it doesn't hurt to hear why. That is something you need to accept.

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