Single login


Mike V

I have a laptop user that does not want to have two
seperate logins (local and domain). Is there a way to
intagrate the two so his Laptop has only a single login
and all his rescources are available to him? I guess Im
asking weather it is possible to merge the local and
domain users accounts.

Logs in at home as jondoe (does not select local or
domain login) just enters name and password.

Logs in at work as jondoe (does not select local or
domain login) just enters name and password.

No matter where he logs in all desktop settings, email
and applications are available and the same.
(Understanding that work offline is available for home

Matt DuBois [MSFT]

Unless you have policies that prevent it (there are several possible ones,
but none are on by default), the laptop should cache his ability to log on,
so he can log on even when the domain controllers are not available (ie - at
home). He will have to log on first at work, so everything will be set up,
but then it should work. You can test this before he leaves work by just
unplugging the network cable (or wireless card) and trying to log in.

Have you tried that, and it didn't work for some reason?

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