Sidebyside errors 32 and 59 under Windows XP or perhaps Windows Server
I was getting these errors continually with a Logitech Camera (Orbit
MP) after installing some new drives and software.
I did find a possible resolution for people who receive such errors.
This is not Logitech specific.
It helped me, perhaps it might help you.
Download new run times at:
Generate Activation Context failed for
Reference error message: The operation completed successfully.
Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC.
Reference error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on
your system.
Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC could not be found and Last
Error was:
The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.
I was getting these errors continually with a Logitech Camera (Orbit
MP) after installing some new drives and software.
I did find a possible resolution for people who receive such errors.
This is not Logitech specific.
It helped me, perhaps it might help you.
Download new run times at:
Generate Activation Context failed for
Reference error message: The operation completed successfully.
Resolve Partial Assembly failed for Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC.
Reference error message: The referenced assembly is not installed on
your system.
Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC80.MFCLOC could not be found and Last
Error was:
The referenced assembly is not installed on your system.