Shell stopped, Explore.exe was restarted.


Tom Miller

I am having a problem with my Windows 2000 Pro setup. In the menus under
programs, the accessory entry at the very top of the page. Anytime I try to
enter that menu, the screen "blanks" and then re-appears. In the
application log it says "Winlog Event ID 1002... Shell stopped unexpectedly,
Explorer.exe was restarted"

Where should I be looking to try to diagnose and/or fix this problem? The
knowledgebase doesn't seem to have a clue.

Tom Miller

George Hester

In Windows Explorer go here:

C:\Documents and Settings\%YourProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

then here:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

What happens?

Tom Miller

Good questions. I had to figure out how to start windows explorer from the
command line. Answer 1 (administrator userid), it dies. Answer 2 (All
users) it clicks right in and appears to be working.

So the question becomes how do I fix the admin id's accessorys subdir? I

In Windows Explorer go here:

C:\Documents and Settings\%YourProfile%\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

then here:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

What happens?

George Hester

I always first thing put a shortcut on my desktop pointing here:


then you don't have to do Start | Run | explorer | OK

So your shell stoped by clicking the folder under the profile Administrator I asked you to try? Hmmm...Can you click the + and drop down here without the crash?

Tom I am not really sure what to do here or what could be causing this trouble. My first reaction is just make another Accessories folder and populate it with the same things that are in the one you are having trouble with. The name will have to be different.

Let's try this. Start | Run | cmd | OK Then in the command prompt you should open to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator if you are signed in as the Administrator. Then cd startm~1 | cd programs | cd access~1

What happens now? Can you do a dir command in here?

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