sharing with others



We operate a shared network in a start-up business but do not (repeat, do
not) have Small Business Server, so our shares are limited to files that are
placed on our server.

Is it possible to share contacts using Business Contact Manager in this type
of environment?




BCM data is stored in a sql server database, which is designed to
support multiple users.

In a nutshell, one user sets up a database, and then shares it with the
other users. The other users tell BCM they want to use the first user's
BCM database.

There's some additional steps involved depending on how your network
and machines are setup: the machine with the database must know about
all the shared users for security reasons (the easiest way is to add
them as users to that machine with the same password as on their PCs);
the database machine must be opened up to the other machine, by default
Microsoft these days turns off various networking items for security
reasons (BCM will automatically configure these when the database is
shared, if the user has administrator privileges, but if you have third
party firewalls installed, you may have to configure them to allow BCM
traffic through).


So for the user (A) that is sharing the db of another, what happens when the
db owner's PC is turned off or is off network? Does BCM make a local copy on
A's pc?



User A can log out, but has to leave the machine on for shared users to
use the bcm database.

BCM v3 can be configured to make a local copy and keep it in sync.


Thanks, Luther.

Is there someplace where I can find out more about v3? I'm particularly
interested in if it will include better synching capabilities (to regular
outlook or directly to blackberrys) and when it will be released (outlook
2007 or is v2.0 the 2007 release.)


Got BCM working well in a local network, but fail to access the shared db via
VPN. Do you have any idea for a cure? Shall I have a look at the firewall?
Would be great!


Generally the firewall/port issue is on the server accepting
connections, once the server accepts connections from one client
machine, it should accept it from all clients. However, your VPN may be
configured to only allow connection through know ports (e.g. Windows
printer and file sharing) so you may want to check its options.

If you can't connect to the db over the vpn, you can always try Remore
Desktop-ing to a client in the office and running Outlook/BCM on that

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