"Shared Documents" Folder



Please help! I can no longer copy or move data (i.e., pictures) into my
"Shared Documents" folder. I have the following folders under "Shared
Documents": My Webs (not used); Shared Music (not used); Shared Pictures
(more on this below); and Shared Video (not used).

The "Shared Documents" folder AND the "Shared Pictures" folder each HAD
(past tense) a small hand icon on the folder icons. I somehow managed (I
don't remember how I did it) to get the hand icons to disappear, but even
after I rebooted the computer I still cannot copy or move data into any

Under "Shared Pictures" I have a folder I created (some time ago) labeled
"Vacation Pictures". This folder STILL has one of those small hand icons on
the folder icon. I can't remember how I got rid of the other two hand icons
and I'm afraid to lose all our family vacation pictures, so I haven't tried
to get rid of this hand icon. In any event, I used to be able to copy and
move our vacation pictures into and out of this folder, but no more.

Can anyone help on what I must do to regain the use of my folders?

A neighbor has suggested I back-up my entire computer, then wire it entirely
empty, and re-install XP Home. That may be all well and good, but I own a
Dell and do not have a regular XP Home CD-ROM. I only have a Dell
Reinstallation CD and I'm not sure this will solve my problem.

I own a Dell Dimension 4550 desktop computer. The operating system is
Windows XP Home, SP-2. I have 768 MB of RAM and the hard drive is 80 GB in
capacity with only 25 GB used.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help.



try this:
log in administrator
point explorer to shared document folder, select and right click,
seelct sharing tab of teh popup window
check share
ensure the share permission gives change right to your other acct you
usually use,
snsure your other acct is listed in the Group or user Names and has at least
modify access


What if you are using XP home? sorry, I am not familar wiht that but you may
to look up
net share
using possbily google site:microsoft net share

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