Shared borders



ON Front Page all the borders appear fine in preview but when transfered to
the site, most buttons disappear !

Thomas A. Rowe

Are you publishing to a server that has the FP2002 extensions via FP's http mode?

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Yes, Interland has all the Front Page extensions that we need for the Front
Page Hypertext Transfer Protocol. My webmaster using the same things as I,
does not have the same problem.

I am trying to publish via the "Front Page or Sharepoint Services" mode...

Thomas A. Rowe

Disable any firewall applications, and then try publishing.

Can you open the site directly in FP via File Menu | Open Web / Site or via the IE, Edit with FP

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

Shared borders and Include Pages are design time tools w/ the content (inside the <BODY> tags) of the Shared Border or Include page
"embedded" or included as html in your pages when you save any of the file(s) using them (or save the borders / include pages

FP converts your page(s) to a series of tables to include the Shared borders, (which are really just a special case of Include
But FP can not build those tables if either your shared border page content or main page content has illegal html or broken tag
- usually due to missing </body></html> tags, or unmatched table / cell tags (unclosed table / cell tags), or some other unclosed
html block element

If you can see them using File Preview in Browser they will publish in as part of your pages

If you can't see them using File Preview in Browser, it's because FP can not build the included content tables, so you need to
validate and correct your broken html


| ON Front Page all the borders appear fine in preview but when transfered to
| the site, most buttons disappear !

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