Shard Word Templates Locking



I have a situation where any user that opens a shared template may lock the
template for other users. All corporate templates are stored in a read only
location on a file server. Most documents around the department are based on
these shared templates.

We provide Word 2000 through a Farm of Windows 2000 Citrix Terminal Servers.
When a user calls with a locked template I've noticed through the file server
tools that another user has a lock on that same corporate template indicating
a “3†lock. When I free the lock it fixes the issue for all users until it
happens again.

I found the following article with the same issue. This user explains the
same problem with more detail but no solution.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Misty,

Try asking this in the word.setup.networking newsgroup, where you're more likely
to run into "pros" with networking experience.

For my part, I'd suggest *testing* whether freeing the templates folder for
read/WRITE permissions doesn't help? Word usually needs to be able to create temp
files, that will lock files, and odd problems can crop up when this doesn't work
I have a situation where any user that opens a shared template may lock the
template for other users. All corporate templates are stored in a read only
location on a file server. Most documents around the department are based on
these shared templates.

We provide Word 2000 through a Farm of Windows 2000 Citrix Terminal Servers.
When a user calls with a locked template I've noticed through the file server
tools that another user has a lock on that same corporate template indicating
a “3†lock. When I free the lock it fixes the issue for all users until it
happens again.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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