SFC problem, thus a need to download an XP SP2 CD image or info on creating one.



I just upgraded an XP Home PC to SP2, no real problems.

I like to run SFC /SCANNOW from time to time and in an earlier
attempt, I was asked to install the SP2 CD so SFC could find 1 or more
files to extract to the HD.

I extracted the big SP2 EXE file to a folder on my hard drive
[ in DOS, "SPname.exe -x TargetFolderName" w/o the ""s ].

I burned that w/o error to a CD that SFC would NOT RECOGNIZE
- in the root of the CD there was nothing but the i386 folder in which
folder was all the ~329MB from SP2.

I hadn't tried to label the CD correctly
[ don't know what the label should be ]
maybe that's the problem, so this is a request for 1 or more of the

1/ Best would be, point me to a site where I can d/l an
image file of the official XP SP2 CD without joining Microsoft's
pay-per-view club.

2/ Provide me with the text of the label of a proper CD
- in case this does the trick - and what files you see in the root
besides the i386 folder. I'll burn another CD and see if that's the

Otherwise I'll just be patient and get a free CD from uSoft thru the
US mail.



I just upgraded an XP Home PC to SP2, no real problems.

I like to run SFC /SCANNOW from time to time and in an earlier
attempt, I was asked to install the SP2 CD so SFC could find 1 or more
files to extract to the HD.


Not exactly sure what you mean by the pay-per-view club. The standalone
version of the SP2 installation file is available for download free of
charge. You can also order the SP2 install CD from MS for a shipping

Download Windows Service Pack 2 Standalone Version

Order Windows XP Service Pack 2 on CD

I would recommend you slipstream the XP Home installation CD with SP2 to
create an installation CD with SP2 integrated into it. Insert that when
asked for by sfc /scannow. Here are some links for slipstreaming.
Autostreamer automates the process.




Here is a link with info on SFC:

Mike Holder

If your wanting to run SFC without supplying it any disk. You can modify the
registry. This is assuming that the I386 folder is on the hard drive.
run regedit
go to "hkey_local_machine/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/setup
edit servicepacksourcepath and sourcepath to point to C:\
"would suggest a backup first in case of Murphy"


Thanks Rock for your on-target reply.

Here's where I stand now:

The uSoft CD is on its way to me, cost around $3.26 for shipping.

When I get it, and have the problem again, it too might not be
recognized when SFC asks for it - just like the one I made.

uSoft suggests that in the following KB article although the language
is ambiguous as to whether it means "might not work" or "never works".


Anyway my registry already has the right entry and this PC will be
fine as long as the files in c:\windows\ServicePackFiles never get

Reading Googled posts on this subject suggest the only way to use a CD
is if it an XP install CD slipstreamed with SP2 - like you suggested.
Problem is I never got such a CD with this eMachine, just 2 dam*ed CDs
to restore the HD to factory fresh.

The reference to pay-per-view was to a link I stumbled on and cannot
find again, spent 10-min trying. Somewhere uSoft said that ppl who
are paid subscribers to some sort of uSoft program could d/l a CD
image of SP2.

Thanks again, Cheers, QE in NJ

|"QuienEs" wrote
|>I just upgraded an XP Home PC to SP2, no real problems.
|> I like to run SFC /SCANNOW from time to time and in an earlier
|> attempt, I was asked to install the SP2 CD so SFC could find 1 or
|> files to extract to the HD.
|Not exactly sure what you mean by the pay-per-view club. The
|version of the SP2 installation file is available for download free
|charge. You can also order the SP2 install CD from MS for a shipping
|Download Windows Service Pack 2 Standalone Version
|Order Windows XP Service Pack 2 on CD
|I would recommend you slipstream the XP Home installation CD with SP2
|create an installation CD with SP2 integrated into it. Insert that
|asked for by sfc /scannow. Here are some links for slipstreaming.
|Autostreamer automates the process.
|Here is a link with info on SFC:


QuienEs said:
Thanks Rock for your on-target reply.

Here's where I stand now:

The uSoft CD is on its way to me, cost around $3.26 for shipping.

When I get it, and have the problem again, it too might not be
recognized when SFC asks for it - just like the one I made.

uSoft suggests that in the following KB article although the language
is ambiguous as to whether it means "might not work" or "never works".


Anyway my registry already has the right entry and this PC will be
fine as long as the files in c:\windows\ServicePackFiles never get

Reading Googled posts on this subject suggest the only way to use a CD
is if it an XP install CD slipstreamed with SP2 - like you suggested.
Problem is I never got such a CD with this eMachine, just 2 dam*ed CDs
to restore the HD to factory fresh.

The reference to pay-per-view was to a link I stumbled on and cannot
find again, spent 10-min trying. Somewhere uSoft said that ppl who
are paid subscribers to some sort of uSoft program could d/l a CD
image of SP2.

Thanks again, Cheers, QE in NJ


You're welcome.

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