Setting a new .htm page as homepage



Right now my homepage is an index with parent directory and my .htm file underneath. You need to click on it to bring up the page I want to have as a homepage.

Steve Easton

Rename the current index.htm to index2.htm.
Then rename the page you want as the homepage to index.htm.


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Larry From Santee said:
Right now my homepage is an index with parent directory and my .htm file underneath. You need to
click on it to bring up the page I want to have as a homepage.

MD Websunlimited

Hi Larry,

Rename or delete the current index page and name and publish yours as the index.

David Baxter

You MAY also need to right click on the new index.htm file after
following Steve's instructions and select "set to home page" or whatever
that option is. This will be necessary if by re-naming index.htm to
index2.htm FrontPage recalculates all your navigation links to point to

Ray Cole

Rename the htm file to be index.htm and delete the current index.htm. Then
when the folder is called on as part of the URL, the index page will open.

Ray Cole

Larry From Santee said:
Right now my homepage is an index with parent directory and my .htm file
underneath. You need to click on it to bring up the page I want to have as
a homepage.


In addition, the index.htm needs to reside in the web root directory. You should check with your host also, to ensure that index.htm is the default file. Some hosts use default.htm (among others) for the home page.

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