Set up Automatic Unattended Security Updates on Ubuntu 18.04 or Mint or any Debian.


Sep 30, 2005
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How to Enable and Set up Automatic Unattended Security Updates on Ubuntu 18.04

Regularly updating your Ubuntu system is one of the most important aspects of overall system security. If you don’t update your operating system’s packages with the latest security patches, you are leaving your machine vulnerable to attacks.
If you are managing multiple Ubuntu machines manually updating the system packages may be time-consuming. Even if you manage a single Ubuntu installation sometimes you may overlook an important update. This is where automatic unattended updates come handy.

In this tutorial, we will walk through how to install and configure automatic unattended updates on Ubuntu 18.04. The same steps apply for Ubuntu 16.04 and any Ubuntu-based distribution, including Kubuntu, Linux Mint and Elementary OS.

With all the nastys flying around the net even penguins need to be vigilant.

'How to enable and set up automatic unattended security updates on Ubuntu 18.04.'

Well for once I think Microsoft have the drop on them Penguin peeps cos that function comes built in with Win 10.

Sorry, just couldn't resist this volte-face :D
'How to enable and set up automatic unattended security updates on Ubuntu 18.04.'

Well for once I think Microsoft have the drop on them Penguin peeps cos that function comes built in with Win 10.

Sorry, just couldn't resist this volte-face:D

Yup Microsoft sure do have a head start on the poor old penguins. :nod:
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in your reply oh Barbaric one? ;)

What I didn't say was 'Granted, with Win 10 you get the updates whether you want them or not and if, by default, those updates are set to automatic Murphys Law dictates MS will reboot the system right in the middle of a particularly intense online gaming session'.

The perfect operating system has yet to be invented...
Do I detect a hint of sarcasm in your reply oh Barbaric one? ;)

What I didn't say was 'Granted, with Win 10 you get the updates whether you want them or not and if, by default, those updates are set to automatic Murphys Law dictates MS will reboot the system right in the middle of a particularly intense online gaming session'.

The perfect operating system has yet to be invented...

Who me :rolleyes:

Nah I think Microsoft do a tremendous job of looking after their suckers customers. Like this helpful set of instructions show,

Windows 10 Updates

If you're encountering problems installing Windows 10 October 2018 Update via Windows 10's update tool, don't panic. Windows 10 has a built-in troubleshooter that can help identify any problems. This can also reset the Windows Update app, which can help kickstart the installation.
To do this, click the Start menu, then click the cog icon on the left, which will open up the Settings window. Click ‘Update & Security’ then ‘Troubleshoot’. Click on ‘Windows Update’ then ‘Run the troubleshooter’ and follow the instructions, and click ‘Apply this fix’ if the troubleshooter finds a solution. :lol:

An they are so thorough, the amount of important information and stuff they include in their up dates is amazing. :D

The October 2018 Update requires 16GB of free space for the 32-bit version, while the 64-bit version needs 20GB on the hard drive where Windows 10 is installed.
You can see why Microsoft are at the leading edge with a fully comprehensive update like the one above. My MX-18 and Arch os's combined hardly make up 20 GB. An if you take away all the extra programs to leave a lean mean basic os like W 10 then I guess they would only weigh in at around 15 GB. So these poor old penguins just haven't a chance against such overwhelming opposition. :bow:
In all the time I've ever used any version of the Microsoft Windows Operating system I can safely say I've never known their built in solution finder to work. Ever.

However, there are good and bad points about Windows and some Linux Distros and when I see any and it's relevant, I will mention them. Truth and no bias are my mainstays.

And unlike some I am not a fanboy of either Open Source, Microsoft inc. or Apple X. All have their good points and in my view should not compete with each other. Well, not much anyway.

Having one's tongue stuck deep in one particular flavour imo is childish, boorish and tiresome.

People will argue their points til the cows come home to whichever bias they favour, I'm thinking here of Brexit, The Daily Mail and politicians in general.

But that's just me and as ever I could be completely wrong and way off the mark. Vive le difference!