Sequential Number within a Document



I want to sequentially number documents within the document. For example, in
the Document I want it to say Number _____. I want 1 then the next document
to be 2, the next to be 3, etc. I want this to change based on the number of
documents printed if possible. So if the document says 1, and i print 10, I
want the documents to be number 1, 2, 3 etc to 10. Is there any way to do

Jay Freedman

Ribspreader said:
I want to sequentially number documents within the document. For
example, in the Document I want it to say Number _____. I want 1
then the next document to be 2, the next to be 3, etc. I want this
to change based on the number of documents printed if possible. So
if the document says 1, and i print 10, I want the documents to be
number 1, 2, 3 etc to 10. Is there any way to do this?

Yes, use SEQ fields. See

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
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I don't see how this helps. In the document I have a heading 'Number"
folllowed by a blank space where I want to insert a field. I want to field
to insert 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 depending how last last number used. I then want
to print, say 100 copies with the number 'Number' 1 to 100. Any way to do
this without opening and closing the document 100 times?


Unfortunately, I have never created a macro or used visual basic. I followed
the links but am unclear exactly what to type, if there are spaces between
letter and the = sign, for example. any help?

Jay Freedman

Don't type anything, because you're sure to make transcription errors, and most
of those would prevent the macro from running or from operating correctly.
Instead, copy the code from the web page and paste it into the editor.

Step-by-step instructions are at
Note that the macro in the article doesn't have the necessary first
and last lines (Sub macroname and End Sub), but steps 1 through 4 of the
installation article explain how to create those. You can choose a name for the
macro, such as PrintNumberedCopies.


I am still having trouble knowing what to copy, what to enter and where to
enter it. Any further help?

Jay Freedman

In the article, in step 1 where
it says "Type the Name of the macro into the Macro Name ", type
PrintNumberedCopies into the dialog and then go on to step 2 through 4.

In step 5, where it says "Copy the complete block of code", go to the article and copy
everything from the line

Dim Message As String, Title As String, Default As String, NumCopies As

to the line


Don't select everything as instructed in step 6, because you need the first
and last lines (the lines that start with an apostrophe are optional
comments and could be deleted if you care). Instead, paste into the macro
editor in the blank line just before the line

End Sub

Complete the rest of steps 6 and 7.

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