Send mail on windows live



If you get an error message, right-click on it, select Copy, then paste it
into a reply.

Patrick Keenan

Lilchopp772 said:
i can't send mail on windows mail, but i can recieve mail

You need to post the error message, but here are a few of the top reasons
you will find if you read posts here:

1) You entered a server name that doesn't exist. SMTP is not a server
name. is not a server name.

Ask your mail provider for the correct server name, and while you're at it,
get the rest of the settings because you probably don't have those either.
Enter them *Exactly*.

2) You are using the wrong port, authentication, or SSL settings. This
will prevent operation.

3) You are using Port 25 and your mail provider is not your ISP. Many -
and an increasing number of - ISPs block outgoing mail on Port 25 unless it
is going out their own server. This is to prevent SPAM relaying, and to
prevent their mail servers from entering commerical blacklists. Contact
your mail provider to find an alternate port, such as 587.

4). You are using Comcast, whio have apparently, recently stopped using Port
25 altogether. If so, contact them for the correct settings.

Beyond that, you'll need to post some soft of indication of what really
happens. s


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