Selecting Text Between Commas in Excel



Hello everybody,

I have data in an excel cell setup as follows:
unimportantData, dataToBeExtracted, unimportantData2, unimportantData3

I would like to extract the information "dataToBeExtracted", and had
considered using the MID function. However, the string length of
dataToBeExtracted is different for each row. Is there a way to get
Excel to read all data after the first comma, but before the second
(without a bunch of IF((MID,#,#)=",")'s that is (unless that's the best

Thanks in advance for your help. Have a great day!

JE McGimpsey

One way:

=MID(LEFT(A1,FIND("#",SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","#",2))-1), FIND(",",A1)+1,

where 255 is just a large enough number to contain the data.

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