Security updates for XP


pc nerd

Do you know how much longer Microsoft will be issuing security updates for XP?

I have XP Pro on my desktop & Vista Home Premium on my laptop.

Is there a possibility that Microsoft will have a service pack 4 for XP?

Thank you.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

There will be no further Service Packs (SPs) for WinXP.

If WinXP SP3 is installed, the computer will be offered critical security
updates through October 2014. If WinXP SP2 is installed, there will be no
further updates after July 2010. If WinXP SP1 (or no SP) is installed,
there haven't been updates since October 2008.

pc nerd

Thanks for the info. Sometime ago I installed service pack 3.

What happens after October 2014? Does Microsoft stop supporting XP altogether?

XP came out in 2001, didn't it? Does Microsoft typically support an OS for
13 years?

Can I find this information somewhere on the Microsoft website? Where is it?
What is the URL, please? How far back does it go? I'm curious to know how
long older versions of Windows have been supported. Will I also find out how
long Vista will be supported? How about Windows 7?

Thank you.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

In July 2010, WinXP SP3 enters Extended Support Phase.

In October 2014, all support for WinXP ends and no additional updates of any
kind will be released for the OS. Online self-help will still be available
(e.g., WinXP KBs).

Microsoft Support Lifecycle

The Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy took effect in October 2002, and
applies to most products currently available through retail purchase or
volume licensing and most future release products. Through the policy,
Microsoft will offer a minimum of:

• 10 years of support (5 years Mainstream Support and 5 years Extended
Support) at the supported service pack level for Business and Developer

• 5 years Mainstream Support at the supported service pack level for
Consumer/Hardware/Multimedia products

• 3 years of Mainstream Support for products that are annually released (for
example, Money, Encarta, Picture It!, and Streets & Trips)


pc said:
Thanks for the info. Sometime ago I installed service pack 3.

What happens after October 2014? Does Microsoft stop supporting XP

XP came out in 2001, didn't it? Does Microsoft typically support an
OS for 13 years?

Can I find this information somewhere on the Microsoft website? Where
is it? What is the URL, please? How far back does it go? I'm curious
to know how long older versions of Windows have been supported. Will
I also find out how long Vista will be supported? How about Windows 7?

Thank you.

As Robear said. IMO that's OK though because as of SP3 XP seems to be
pretty stable and by that time of updates stopping, theoratically at
least, scammer/hackers will be turning to the next big operating system
out there which would be Vista and its descendents 7, 8, etc.. Updates
by that time should be a lot less important to me.
With me, switching to Vista i's mostly an expense issue and the fact
that Vista gives me nothing that is a benefit to me so I plan to stick
with XP until I can finally completely free myself of MS's stranglehold
and be fluent enough with LInux to use that. Which flavor I'm not yet
sure - right now I have driver issues keeping me from making the switch
but even if I had to buy new hardware it'd still be cheaper than Vista
and starting out playing their buggy game all over again.

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