Secure FTP Support / My Network Places


J. Miller

Hello all,

I know that Windows supports connecting to an FTP site
through My Network Places, but I cannot find anything
about using SFTP instead. Is there an add-on somewhere for
SFTP that I have missed? If not, does Microsoft plan on
supporting SFTP in the near future?

Thank you very much,
J. Miller

J. Miller


Thank you for your help, but this is unfortunately not
what I was looking for. Maybe my initial post wasn't
entirely clear; That would be my fault. Nothing new. (o:

Windows 2000/XP allows one to create the equivelant of a
POSIX soft-link from a Windows folder name to a network
space, such as a shared drive or an FTP account; Similar
to mapping a drive letter to a shared folder or FTP site
(Which, consequently, would be an acceptable solution). Is
it possible to map a folder or drive to an account that
uses SFTP instead?

More Detail Than Is Needed, but might be useful to
understand why I am asking the above question:

I have a development application that I would like to use
for coding pages, but remote (Linux) server only has
SSH/SFTP and HTTP available. So far I've been using XEmacs
tunneled to a local XWindows environment running under
Cygwin to code, but it's klunky and doesn't have all the
features that another much better application does.
However, this application only runs on the Win32 platform,
and unlike many other appliactions it doesn't support file
transfers over FTP or SFTP. I would really like to avoid
copying the files to a local directory, modifying them,
and then sending them back, as it is quite a hassle. Being
able to map a folder or drive using SFTP would make life
about 100 times better, as I would be able to use the
better development application to do the real work and let
the OS handle the rest.

Thanks again,
J. Miller

allan grossman [mvp]

Hi -

Okay, I gotcha now ;-)

You're missing core functionality in that Windows XP
doesn't natively support SFTP. I don't know when (or if)
this functionality will be available.

What about tunneling through an ssh client?



Thank you for your continued interest in my plight. (o:

I thought about that, but the remote machine isn't running FTP or anything else that might work, so tunneling isn't a viable solution for this problem. Any other solutions that come to mind?

I did some more scouring last night and still haven't come up with anything. Maybe if I bug the Windows developers enough they might add it in, no? MS is pretty good about adding features.

Thanks again!

Pavel A.

FWIW... XP has BITS - and it supports https.



Thank you for your continued interest in my plight. (o:

I thought about that, but the remote machine isn't running FTP or anything else that might work, so tunneling isn't a
viable solution for this problem. Any other solutions that come to mind?

I did some more scouring last night and still haven't come up with anything. Maybe if I bug the Windows developers
enough they might add it in, no? MS is pretty good about adding features.

Thanks again!

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