Second time - Screen Saver Order

  • Thread starter Bonnie Keithley
  • Start date

Bonnie Keithley

A while ago I posted a question about setting the order of pictures in the
folder that I am going to use as my screen saver slide show. Whoever
responded told me how to number the pictures so that they would display in
my chosen order rather than in a random order as they do by default.

That numbering sequence (Family Fun (1), Family Fun (2), etc) doesn't seem
to do the trick.

I right click on the desk top, properties, screen saver tab, my pictures
slide show, and then select the folder where I have named the pictures
according to the above referenced format. They still appear in a random
order when my screen saver activates.

Have I missed something??

Yves Alarie

You did not miss anything.
Slide show and screen saver are two different animals.
Once you place them in order in your folder, the slide show will display
them in the order you have them. To start slide show, double click on the
first picture. It will open full screen. Look at the icons below the photo,
one is like a little screen. Click on it and slide show will start.
For screen saver, the order is random, no matter what you do as far as
renaming the files in the order you want in your folder. It would be nice if
it worked like slide show but it does not.

Bonnie Keithley

Thanks, Yves. I knew there was a difference between viewing the Pictures
and Fax slide show and the screen saver slide show. I just didn't realize
that the order of one could be affected but not the other.

Anyone going to request some control over the screen saver My Pictures Slide
Show in a future release?

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