Search clipart by style


Dario de Judicibus

One of the MOST useful function in Clipart Gallery was the possibility to
search other clipart with the same design style of a selected one. That
allows to use in a PPT presentation a consistent graphic style. I cannot
find the same feature in Clip Organizer. More I use Clip Organizer and more
I think MS did a step behind with respect Clipart Gallery. The new tool is
much less frienfly and usable.


Dario de Judicibus

Paul Ballou said:
You can search clips at the Clipart and Media site by style by typing "style
1130", replace 1130 with the number of the style that you are looking for in
the search box.

I do not understand. I'm in Clip Organizer. I find a clip that matches my
presentation style. I wish to see all the other clips in my collections with
same style. How can I do that? I am not speaking of Internet. I am speaking
of collections on my disk. Most of time I use my laptop I am out of office,
not connected to the net. And by the way, I wish FIRST search in *my* local
cliparts. Those one that I already have downloaded.


Echo S

Dario de Judicibus said:

I do not understand. I'm in Clip Organizer. I find a clip that matches my
presentation style. I wish to see all the other clips in my collections with
same style. How can I do that? I am not speaking of Internet. I am speaking
of collections on my disk. Most of time I use my laptop I am out of office,
not connected to the net. And by the way, I wish FIRST search in *my* local
cliparts. Those one that I already have downloaded.

Paul is talking about, which takes you to Office
Online's clip site.

But you can actually find similar styles in Clip Organizer without truly
having to search for them. Find a clip you're interested in, then hover your
mouse over it in the task pane and click on the arrow beside it (or just
right-click the clip). Select "find similar style."

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