Screen "jerking" around



I just installed a new hard drive and reinstalled XP Home. I was able to
transfer everything over from my old drive and all programs are reinstalled.
My issue is that when I move a window or use the scroll bar vertically, it
doesn't move smoothly at all. It jerks around. It looks like it reloads the
window. In IE, I have Smooth Screen checked but it affects everything. Can
this be a driver issue?


You will need to know what video card is installed or if is is onboard
video. If you have documentation that came with your computer you will find
the info there.
If it is a seperate video card you may have to remove the case cover and
physically lok at the card to get the manufacturer and model number.
Post back here with any info you find.



By any chance are you using an optical mouse without a mouse pad? I have
seen this occur under those circumstances.


I am using an optical mouse but the problem happens even if I use the arrows
to move the screen around.

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