SATA not accessible after WinXP reinstall



SATA hard drive is not accessible through windows explorer.

My pc config is as follows. Gigabyte VT600PRZ, 3 ATA hard drives installed,
1 DVDRW, 1 SATA hard drive. After reinstalling Windows XP Home on an ATA hard
drive, the SATA drive is not accessible through windows explorer. System
indicates that the drive is in place and running. Administrative Tools
indicate the drive ok, but no letter is assigned. The SATA hard drive is in
dynamic mode and latest drivers from Gigabyte are installed. The only option
available on hard disks management in Administrative Tools is to 'Convert to
basic drive' but losing data is inevitable.

I would appreciate any suggestion on how to make the drive visible on
windows exlorer since it contains lots of data and the drivers neccesary to
run the system.



You need to have Windows XP Pro to access dynamic drives. XP Home does not
have this extra feature.


I was using WinXP Pro before the reinstall of WinXP Home. I will reinstall XP
Pro instead of Home Edition and then post the results. Thank you for your
immediate reply.

Stelios K.

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